KAS Pre 2013 Sociology Key !! Key f sociology 1: Suicide for - TopicsExpress


KAS Pre 2013 Sociology Key !! Key f sociology 1: Suicide for higher cause=Altruisti c 2: Contribution deviant behavior=merton 3: Marginal Man= park 4*: Example Social Action: a man writing a leter 5: Laissez Faire Concept= everyone should be free… 6: Caste old&new= Andre Beteile 7: Functionalism concerned with= relative contributn 8*: Max weber Strtratificatio n =contrary 9: Sociology replaced:=soc physics 10: Role is = relational 11: Component of Religion =Belief&rituals 12: Gandhi =Charismatic Authority 13: Crucial Distinction b/w power& authority=Legit imacy 14: Possession of Sacred properties=char ismatic 15*: Max Weber Charismatic Authority= most influential 16: Individual did not choose freely occupation=anom ic 17: Division of labour is based= Cooperation 18: Religion opiate masses= Marx 19; Andaman Islanders= R Brown 20*: Status…position …folkways&mores— statement=Davis 21: Sanskritization universal motivation towards=imitatn 22: Elite theory= Pareto 23: Tribe =Territory 24: Alienation denotes= Socio-psycholog ical 25: Major religions of world= Weber 26: Mores=Approved ways 27*: Histogram=sampl ing 28: Not true of westernization= Form of group, not individual mobility 29: Not feature of capitalization= Absence of competition 30: Desceent through father= Patrilineal family 31: Exogamous family=Permit marriage from other group 32: Distinction b/w caste&social class= caste endogamous , class not so 33: Life chances=chances for upward mob 34: Urbanism a way of life=Wirth 35: Status group , weber= Styles of life 36*: Men dresses differently from women=role symbol 37*: ----effects on modern social system=latent 38: Positivism=over lapping aspects 39: Polyandry mean=woMan marry many men 40: Mckam Marriot term. Great tradition to little= Parocalisation 41: All human actions directed=meanin gs n motives 42*: Feministic association= social grp 43: Redfield –distinctivenes s, smallness, homogeneity.=Li ttle community 44: Tonnies Gessechaft= Organic Solidarity 45: Aim social Control= Normative conformity 46: Exchange maariage=(A) X Marrys Y sister, Y marry X sister 47: Brother inlaw , Sister inlaw relation= Affinal Kinship 48: Freuds Ego=? 49: Mulsim Law mehar= (A) paid to bride at divorec 50: Explaining y domestic violence is common=social app of batterng 51: Religion not exclusive and unique text=hindu 52: Emergence of house wife , dominant and mature= ? 53: Mckm Marriot local village setting to larger society= Universilizatio n 54: Theory of indefinite no. of histories=postm odernisatn 55: Definition of Cultural lag=Gap b/w material& non material culture 56: Term ethnocentricism = luking at other cul inf 57: Basic characteristic of social group=Conscious ness of members 58: Relationship of college teacher with…=Role set 59*: True regarding modernization of India= Diffusion&Acculturation 60: Two tribes geographical area ,mutual xchange= accomodatn 61: protective discrimation= (D) corr n welf weaker sectn 62*: pairs not properly matched= segmentry soc : organised.. 63: being determines the consciousness= marx 64: description of Science=method of understanding &xplaining 65: Distinction B/w culture&civilization= Culture is what we are , civilization what we have 66: Human Society barbarism, savagery, civilization= Morgan 67: Everything right somewhere, not everywhere=Cult ural relativity 68: Cultural traits spread from one society to another=Diffusi on 69: Ethnocentricism is Dysfunctional=I ntergroup relation 70: Absence of barriers to social mobility= open society 71: Change in social position, not status=Horizont al mobility 72: Xplanation of role=Dynamic Aspect of status 73: Stement associate with status&role= c role is a guide 74: Good morning to teacher=folkway s 75: Deviance as gap b/w cultural goals&=merton 76: Group borrows heavily from others= assimilatn 77*: Competion as peaceful conflict=Coser 78: Socilization=Wh ole life 79: Status group coined by=Weber 80: Death of children=Infant mortality 81: Educational reforms= Sir syed khan 82: Couvade practice= wrong questn 83: Socilogy emegerd as reponce= phillospical debates Europe 84: Socilogy gained reputation= Scientific objectivity &value free analysis 85: Youngest of social science=sociolo gy 86: Culture product of agrofacts, artifacts=bidne y 87: Human society ,animal socity= Culture 88: Sociologist aims = objective enquirer 89*: Sociologist primarily interested in= the indiv 90: Maclever define an area marked by some degree= Community 91: Individual attain proper place= Socialization 92: The ----method= Case study 93: Race is applied to a group= Simmilar biological heritage 94: Human beings area members= Species 95: Golden bough=Frazer 96: Hebert Spencer Natural Selection=soc evolvtn 97*: Sumner , institutions&laws=culture 98:Norms are mostly=Generali zed 99: A group is an =organ amalgam 100: In india caste system is outcome of =stagnancy 101: Incorrect match=R Brown….Trobrian d Isanders 102: Not characteristic of religion=touche s every aspect 103*: More religious diversity less religious conflict=indust rial 104*: Common b/w magic , religion&science= Observatn 105: Like produces like=frazer 106: Unwritten laws= taboo 107: classes, estates ,castes= Hierarchicaly arraged 108: Marx objective class= Social group 109: Matrilocal residence= husband used to live wid parents f wife 110: classes stratified acoordin to production& acquisition= Weber 111:In both society and organism increase in size= Spencer 112*: Tonnies classification into geminchaft& gesselchafts= culture 113: Which is true= evolutionary trend from Geminc..to Gesselchafts 114*: Anthropoligical theory abpoiut primitive religion= tylor 115: Best xplanation of Sanskrtization= Reference group 116: Structure&function in primitive socities: R Brown 117: Mind self&socity= Mead 118: MN srinava study of= Coorgs of Mysore 119*: Marrige fountain head of kinship= Westermark 120: Concept of Role set&status Set= R K Merton. frequency distribution104 - towards unknown
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 03:46:41 +0000

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