KUSU PRESS RELEASE Kashmir university students union (KUSU) - TopicsExpress


KUSU PRESS RELEASE Kashmir university students union (KUSU) categorically opposes and condemns the anti-islam music concert of Zubin Mehta to be held on September 7. The event is a testimony to the war that India has declared on the faith of Muslims of Kashmir to further its military occupation. The collaboration between Hindu India and Germany in getting an honorary Israeli citizen to do a concert in occupied Kashmir speaks volumes about the alliances being made against Kashmiris to choke the quest for freedom. The event is also meant to display the hubris of Indian state. The hubris, which all occupiers possessed and which eventually led to their downfall. Although the concert is also meant to paint a rosy picture of Kashmir before the world. But it hardly matters what the world, particularly the western world thinks about Kashmir. Their hearts have never beaten for Muslims and never will. Holding anti-Islamic events such as the musical concert by Israel’s favourite honorary citizen, Zubin Mehta, is part of the cultural onslaught facing occupied Muslim lands world over. A response on similar lines will not bring an y good.Zubin Mehta signifies zionist hegemony as is evident from Israeli cultural ambassador coming to Kashmir. Events such as these are meant to display the authority and power of the Indian state and an open declaration of war against faith of Muslims of Kashmir. The Non-Muslim world relishes occupying Muslim lands and turning them into havens of immorality and corruption. Zubin Mehta has already performed many a times in Jewish occupied territory of middle-east known as ‘Israel’. He is only showcasing his forte of strengthening occupation of Muslim lands by performing in occupied Kashmir this time around. Germany’s active support for the concert is also not surprising. Its U-turn on Kashmir is nothing new and is characteristic of the hypocrisy of western nations who have been at the forefront of oppression against Muslims worldwide. It was only a matter of time before their anti-Islam and anti-Muslim feelings came to fore. It should serve as an apt reminder for anyone hopeful of ousting India with western help. Knocking hostile doors in the hope of finding solace is nothing but suicide and a waste of resources. Zubin Mehta’s musical concert should also serve as a reminder to the entire Kashmiri nation about the war that has been declared long ago on their faith and which is being systematically escalated to completely wipe out any traces of Muslim identity among them.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 16:48:04 +0000

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