Kelsey Warren, Train Master 15 hours ago. June 11, 2013 - TopicsExpress


Kelsey Warren, Train Master 15 hours ago. June 11, 2013 Mom’s Update on Kelsey “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the lord almighty.[a] 2 I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’” Psalm 91:1,2 It’s well after midnight and I know many of you have given up on reading today’s update while it is yet today! But to be honest, I’ve been stuck in a “type-delete-type-delete-type……no, delete” pattern for a very long time because it’s hard to sum up this day. There were extreme highs and lows with lots of hard work throughout it all, and I hope by now Kelsey is sleeping very soundly, for she certainly will need it to meet a new day. The biggest news of the day came after rounds when Kelsey’s TIRR social worker stopped us in the hallway to tell us Kelsey’s medical team has recommended another two week extension at TIRR! (That would put her discharge during the second week of July.) We will know of insurance confirmation by Friday, so please pray this goes in her favor, as we believe she is gaining so much ground now that her braces are off. It also means she is having to work harder than ever in just about every area of rehab.! Another highlight of the day was Kelsey and music therapist, Meghan playing flute and guitar to several worship songs they both knew, and Kelsey was able to play whole phrases with much stronger breath control than the last time. It was by far the most peaceful half hour of the day….bless you, Meghan! I know we keep saying Kelsey is working hard in therapy, but it’s so hard to describe with words what happens in those frequent moments where she is exhausted….spent….used up….and yet won’t give up. As her mom, sometimes I so want to step in and put my hand on her back for support, or let her lean on me when she is struggling for balance, but I trust the therapists to keep her safe and to teach us to do the same. So we trust the therapists….they trust Kelsey to let them know how she’s doing….Kelsey trusts us all to teach her and keep her safe….and above it all, we all trust God to hold us firmly and gently at all times, even when we don’t always understand. That’s a lot of trust goin’ on! Today held some disappointments as well, but we are learning (trying to learn!) to accept them with the same grace we celebrate the victories. I opened tonight with the beautiful verses from Psalm 91 as a reminder to trust God – in all things and through all things. I don’t understand why Kelsey has to work so hard each and every day, relentlessly pursuing what most of us do with such minimal effort. But I do choose to believe that God is our “refuge and fortress…in whom we trust!” So, if we can’t go around this mountain of recovery……. we will just have to go through it! One last thing before I acknowledge today’s blessings; I know it will sound strange, but it’s been on my heart all evening to ask that we – all of us praying for and supporting Kelsey in some way – to praise God for our bodies. We are all so miraculously created and put together! Praise God for the thin ones, the round ones, the tall ones, the small ones, the dark ones, the light ones, the strong ones and the frail ones…..and please breathe words of thanksgiving for all of your working parts. We spend far too much time criticizing and obsessing about these beautiful living organisms. Please celebrate your body today, and be thankful! Then pray for Kelsey and praise God for the work He is doing in her! Today’s Top 5 Blessings 1. Kelsey is officially in Phase II of rehab. – not many patients enter this stage while still living at TIRR. 2. Kelsey’s determination to complete everything asked of her is a continual inspiration to so many, most of all me! 3. Amanda, Kelsey’s good friend, is here for a few days. 4. The many therapists and doctors who are pushing Kelsey to and through recovery. 5. Each of You! Love from Houston Shellie Warren
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 23:17:47 +0000

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