Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for Saturday, December 27, - TopicsExpress


Keys for Kids Daily Devotional for Saturday, December 27, 2014 Not Only Human Anymore Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:22-32 I suppose I should have come home to mow the lawn instead of stopping at Elis, admitted Keaton as Mom drove home after going to get him from his friends house. I forgot I was supposed to do it--but after all, Im only human. You said those words the day you forgot to do your homework, observed Mom. You said them when you lied about your math grade, and when you . . . Well, its true. I am human, insisted Keaton as Mom turned into the driveway. When Keaton and Mom went into the house, the kitchen table was still cluttered with lunch dishes, and Emily was watching TV. I asked you to clean the kitchen while I was gone, Emily, said Mom, disappointment in her voice. I wanted to finish watching this show, said Emily. Ill do it later. Keaton snorted. After all Mom does for you, you could do what she asks. Emily scowled at her brother. Well, Im only human, she muttered. You should understand that--its your usual excuse when you mess up. That excuse is used much too often, and its a poor one, said Mom as she turned the TV off. Youve both accepted Jesus as Savior, right? Emily and Keaton both nodded. Well, then youre each a new creation--youve been given a new self. Youre no longer only human--youre a born-again human. You have Gods Word and the Holy Spirit to teach you and to help you overcome your old self and its human weaknesses,said Mom. Keatons right when he says you should do what I ask--you both should. I have a right to expect obedience from my children. Someone else has a right to expect obedience from His children, too. Any ideas who that might be? Well . . . God does, admitted Keaton. I guess after all Hes done for us, we should obey Him. Mom nodded. Thats correct, and one thing He tells kids to do is obey their parents. So Emily, you need to go take care of the kitchen, said Mom. Keaton, the lawn is waiting for you. And Im sorry, but there will be no more television privileges for either of you this week. As the kids turned to go, Mom added, Human parents discipline disobedient children, and God does, too. Thats a good thing to remember. Memory Verse: If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 How about you? Do you sometimes make excuses for your sinful behavior? If youre a Christian, youre no longer only human--you are a new creation. You have a new self within you that wants to do right and be holy, like God is. As you read His Word and obey it, your attitude will change. Youll become more and more like Jesus--honest, helpful, cheerful, kind, and humble. Your new self will grow, and your old, sinful, human self will not control your behavior. Key Thought of the Day: A Christian is a new creation
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 14:27:43 +0000

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