Kill Worry, Before It Kills You…ShhooT. Can any one of you by - TopicsExpress


Kill Worry, Before It Kills You…ShhooT. Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:27 NIV “Consider carefully what you hear…with the measure you “use it”, it will be measured to you, and even more.” Worry is a silent and slow killer that can get the best of you if you let it. I have been a personal friend (watch it now) of the proverbial “worrywart”…ShhuckZ. There has been times where I would find myself stressing over numerous things (watch it now) that I had no control of at all…HmMmmMM. If the truth be told, it would become a never-ending cycle of worry and stress that leads to nothing good. Our text this morning helps us to understand how to handle worry. Verse 27 in the King James Version asks, “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?” The New International Bible asks the question this way: “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” This text challenges us (watch it now) to change the lens through which our focus has been molded and see things through the lens of the Word of God. Agonizing over situations and circumstances accomplishes nothing. Worrying doesn’t add anything to you, but it takes an awful lot away from you. Those worrywart tendencies snatch your joy, peace and confidence. They rob you of your enjoyment of life and steal your time away. With all of lifes imperfections, obsessing and stressing over the future is a complete waste of time. And yet, plenty of times we make that mistake. When you find yourself giving over to worry (watch it now) it amplifies the negative and mutes the positive voices, leaving your stomach in knots and your mind in turmoil…ShhooT. This is not the way God wants us to handle difficult times. It is not His will that we lose our composure, freak out and start thinking up every worst-case-scenario imaginable (anybody ever been there?). He wants us to respond to trouble with faith, knowing that the Lord is able to keep us. He knows our needs. He understands the challenges we are facing and has made provision to carry us through them. Today, change your outlook by being on the lookout for the enemy’s craftiness in stirring up worry inside you. Speak life. More importantly, speak the Word of God over your life…ShhooT! Let the Holy Spirit refocus you, penetrate your thinking and bring you back from a place of worry to a position of trust in God. The word will rescue you from the trap of anxiety and stress rooted in fear. Elevate your thinking. See your situation through God’s eyes. He calls you blessed, victorious and more than a conqueror (somebody shout, “That’s ME!”). Where I am is not where I am, its just where I am. There is a Word that is spoken over our lives that cannot fail! Confession: Gracious God and Father, when worry and anxiety come knocking, help me answer with complete trust in Your sovereign will. In times when I am weak, discouraged and inclined to agonize over my troubles, please put me in remembrance of Your word, Your greatness and Your faithfulness to fulfill every promise You have spoken over my life. Whatever it is that You are doing in this season, please don’t do it without me. In Jesus Name, Amen. Be Blessed IN The Word Elder MO
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 13:04:41 +0000

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