Krista Lynn Peart 02, August, 1985 - 27, October, 2013 Monday - TopicsExpress


Krista Lynn Peart 02, August, 1985 - 27, October, 2013 Monday 21, October 2013: I get off work and plan on being asleep before JD and Kelsy and her sisters get back from the CocoRosie concert at the BlueBird Theater. I come to their home where I have been staying for the past couple weeks to a house full of luggage and a new little dog I have never seen before that is a little scared of me. I get a call from Kelsy saying it ended early and I should roll a joint of the not so tasty pot I got a few weeks back to smoke when they get home. I meet Polly Peart the oldest sister and Her friends from her business Ardis and Chrissy,, and Krista Lynn, her other older sister. Another cute girl that probably already has some boy drooling over her (my self esteem issues) but she is quite beautiful. Paco is the doggys name. Polly reminds me of my ex and this starts creeping me out how much they look the same, but I ignore it, just more in my head stuff. She [Krista] is clever and very attractive I begin to dream of a life with her though I have been trying to see another girl who seems less interested in me lately. Maybe Im just too self conscious or too paranoid idk. Tuesday 22, October, 2013: Next day we go to brunch at the Devils Food cafe and bakery on south Gaylord St. Very good food!! Then we go to get me to sign papers for my new studio but we dont have time to go see it because I am already running late for work. I get home from work and they are already in bed but still awake so we stay up and talk for a bit. Wednesday 23, October, 2013: Next morning Im off so we go to Annies Cafe for a bite to eat and I run into James Means by chance and so we decide to take a short walk to see my old house and to visit with James. He decides to hang out with us on our thrifting outing for Halloween and just good finds we may stumble upon. We go the the ARC the GoodWill and St Vincent De Pauls. Then we go to the Market downtown to get some cakes but James and I stay back to try and get some better tasting green at Cheba Hut. Then they catch up to us and we went to Tacos Y Salsas for a quick bite to eat. Im out of money so James bought me a tostada and I shared from Pollys plate when she got too full. Its very good food and very filling and not very expensive either. Then off to Too Much Fun at the Deer Pile. Chris Charpentier is out of town in Virginia I think but they get to meet the other three Fine Gentlemen Club members Bobby Crane, Sam Tallent, and Nathan Lund. Christopher Baker is there and is hosting a cartoons and comedy thing (which is the next Tuesday at Deer Pile). Polly and Ardis and Chrissy are leaving to drive back to Utah tomorrow so they leave a little early to catch some Zs. The show ends, and then already late we need to drop James off and be home early because both JD and I open at work in the morning. Somehow they convince us to stay out a little longer and then James comes home and stays with us at JD and Kelsys. They decide to hang out in the room I sleep in keeping me up but all in good spirit though I wasnt so much. I dont get any sleep, and James and Krista seem to be hitting it off but he has always been better at talking to pretty girls than me any ways. I get jealous like I normally do when I see two people having fun and Im not involved directly. Im a little angered as they decide to hangout in my room after I had asked them to leave so I proceed to sleep in the entry walk way. I get no sleep but head to work at 6am. A zombie at work. I get out and James had left and Kelsy needs to go to work as well. JD takes a nap after dropping her off and me and Krista hang out in awkward silence for a bit (I am still mad that she seemed to like James more than me) finally I convince Natalie Svetlana Mango to come over, Im still in zombie mode but glad I finally get to hang out with Natalie. Her and Krista end up talking all night as I zoned out, we wanted to carve pumpkins when Kelsy gets back but Natalie had to be back home before then. So Natalie brings her piano keyboard up and plays beautiful music for us until she leaves for the night. Afterwards I cant stay up any longer so Krista and I go to bed. Next day I have off JD is already gone to work by the time I wake up and Kelsy has work so me and Krista take her to her job and then go run a few errands in JDs car. We go back to the GoodWill we went to the other day to find a massager she saw. We couldnt find it but we find some other stuff for my apartment and she finds some stuff for her niece and Kelsy and some other people. Then we go to Pita Grill and Hookah on Ogden and Colfax that my friend runs but he is closed so we go to Petes Gyro place by East High to grab a bite to eat. Then Kelsy calls and its time to pick her up so we leave just as fast as we can. When we get there Kelsy looks rather bored of waiting for us, I guess we took a long time to get there. When we get home JD is already back so we start planning for the night. We are suppose to go to a Rocky Horror Picture Show party so we all dress accordingly. Krista looks amazing and Im sure I tell her this several times. When we get to the place they wot let Rouge (JD and Kelsys puppy) in so we have to leave he in the car. We all thought they were going to play the movie but instead it seems like just a drag club, so we dance for a bit and then decide to go to another spot we saw just down the street called Casslemans. Its 40$ a person and Im already tired and dont feel like paying that much, but then a guy is selling tickets for ten a piece and tries to get us to buy Im still unwilling to pay I just want to go home but Krista decides she will pay. So we go in and I see its pretty much just a dance Halloween party and we all start having fun. Krista and I end up hanging out and have two drinks. We see a lot of people and have a blast then he gets up on a dance pole and accidentally kicks a girl who is sitting on the stage in the back of the head so she gets off of the pole and apologizes and a little while after the music stops and they Kick everyone out of the club. As we are leaving there is a fight just outside but I walk on to avoid the conflict and drama and somehow get separated from the other three. I double back and find Krista and then we both go to did JD and Kelsy. Apparently JD got involved in the fight trying to break it up but all is well, so we head back to the car. A block away and we are all laughing and telling our stories of the night I turn away for a second and hear a load KaThUmP and turn and see my three friends get thrown by a car that has swerved into the walk way. It is headed toward a parked white mini van so it slows a little to miss it then speeds off. JD is just winged and spins off and lands on his back. Kelsy and Krista are flung into the parked van. Kelsy bounced off the back wheel well and Krista slips right under the back bumper after hitting it. I am in shock but run to JD to see if he is conscious or even alive. His eyes are fluttering but he is alive so I tell him to stay still and I run to Kelsy who is closest next. She is unconscious so I check her pulse am she is alive so I tell her to stay still and stay awake. I bend down under the car and ask Krista if she is ok she mumbles something and I tell her the same to stay still and say awake. I try to wave people driving by down but they swerve to avoid me and drive on. The guy that chased the car that hit then shows up and brings the person back, its a woman in her mid twenties and she is frantic, I yell at her that she just drove off but remembered to keep the situation calm and ask her to call 911. There is a big crowd of people around us and I am wondering why no one has called an ambulance, I was angry but knew it wouldnt help so I just kept as cool as I could. Then we were alone, for some reason everyone had left. I was astonished and couldnt figure out where everyone went. Even the guy that chased the woman down had left. So still no one had called 911. I crawled down next to krista to keep her warm and JD was now conscious and wondering around I told him to sit down and stay calm, and he proceeded to go to talk to the woman that hit him asking for a lighter to lite a cigarette. He figures out that he was hit by her but is calm and helps by telling her its ok and we just need to get help for now. Kelsy is now conscious and trying to get up I tell her to lie back down and have JD keep her still and tell her a car is going to come pick us up. Krista is not mumbling anymore and Im gettin very worried. I didnt think to break into JDs car to get my phone as I dont want to leave Kristas side. Finally I see someone running toward us and I assume he is there to help but when I get to him he is just coming to get his van and leave I tell him whats going on and he is in a little shock too as he ask why someone is under his van. I tell him to call 911 and he does. Maybe only a minute or so after he does a fire truck comes from around the corner. I am at a loss for words and my head gets real light and my body feels very heavy. I start to pick up somethings from the ground but the police tell me to not touch anything as it is a crime scene. They have me and the guy with the van write a statement and I can tell Im not thinking straight as I try to write my thoughts out they dont seem very organized. They take the three to the hospital but I am left and locked out of JDs car and have no where to go and no one I can call. So the police find the keys from JD at the hospital and come bring them back to me. I am able to get a hold of Liz on Stans (JDs father) phone and tell them then the cops calls me a cab and I take it to the hospital. They wont tell me how Krista is and I am getting angry and very light headed. Liz takes me home as I am very tired and this about 6 oclock that Saturday morning. At 9 I wake up and call my work and they still want me to come in, I dont want to lose my job and convince myself Krista is fine so I can feel better about going to work. At work Im loopy and sick feeling and ask to go home early. I go to the hospital and meet Jake and Ruth, Kelsy tells me Krista is no longer with us and I think I blacked out I just cant believe it and jake tells me its ok. But she is alive in the icu and my hopes are revived. But they say she will be a vegetable. I refuse to believe it and decide I will take her out on a date when she gets better, and spoil her rotten and we will hit it off. I spend the night in a hotel with her family and in the morning they will take her of the ventilator to see if she can support herself. I get angry at her family for talking about her like she is dead and they ask me to leave so I did and nearly pass out several times trying to take the bus back to JD and Kelsys condo. I sleep the rest of the day. I think I forgot to call in but I cant remember. Finally JD and Kelsy get back and even James comes over. We are all very exhausted and go to sleep. The next day I call ted my manager to ask for some time off but he says no and so I quit. Clay my brother decides he can come from SLC to drive me JD and JDs sister Christina back to Utah. The whole time I have decided that Krista is playing a Halloween joke on me and its not very funny. I cant wait for it to be over and To hug her. Maybe I will marry this girl I thought. I really hate that this is happening and I feel sick to my stomach about what happened and why no one would stop to help and that maybe we could have saved her if things went down differently. Ill miss you Krista Lynn, Ill miss you a lot.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 05:58:02 +0000

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