Kristina Salinas has been having an affair with William Savoren - TopicsExpress


Kristina Salinas has been having an affair with William Savoren for over a year. She was once the love of my life, has broken my heart and stolen my vitality. She has done so with malice and cruelty and has violated every vow we swore to uphold almost 4 years ago. She has shown fear and cowardice to be her defining characteristics and I will not stand for it. My son deserves better in this life. Kristina thought that by leaving me broke alone and homeless that she would break my spirit and that I would somehow fade into the past and just go away. For over 5 long months I have struggled to win her back. Sobriety? Done. Money? Got it. Stability? Solid as a rock. Purpose? Defined. I was until recently still hopeful for a reconciliation between us. Considering that in over 11 years together we had never broken up even once. Being swingers we have both had experiences outside of our marriage and with her successful career and my outstanding parenting I foolishly thought that we had it all. I was wrong. 4 months apart and I have been to lows that she couldnt possibly imagine......subjected to all manner of abuse and neglect. I not only survived, but I thrived! Left to die I am risen like the Phoenix from the ashes of a decayed life. I have literally thousands if words professing my sincere apologies and my undying love to a wife who seemed to be stuck in a rut, clinging to a fictitious pain and pretending to be a victim of circumstance. She was trying so hard to convince the world (herself) that her husband was some kind of villain that she had to hide from. From allegations of drug abuse and sales to even as heinous as claiming domestic abuse!! With literally no proof (police reports, witnesses, pictures or facts), she was able to convince a very biased judge to grant her an order for protection barring all contact between us until a dissolution is finalized. Since then she has literally cut communication between Symons parents cometely off, even though in her own request for the order she sought phone and text! Why the need for complete isolation? Why change all the passwords and lock me out of my own cell phone records? Why even after 5 months apart and obvious changes for the better in my life? Why is she still so set on divorce and isolation? It didnt make sense to me. Now it does. My instinct from the beginning of all this, to my shame, said that there were outside hands guiding my wifes path. I was careful never to accuse her of infidelity of that nature,a only because I didnt want to believe that my Krissy would ever be that foul. That predictable... That cruel. She has violated our marriage and has been bringing her secret lover into the bed we used to share. William Thomas Savoren, aka, Bill. She has been bringing him into my sons life and he is so terribly confused! Who is Bill? Bill is trying to be daddy. Momma and Bill and Symon sleep in mom as bed. ......quotes from my sons own mouth. How dare she bring another man into my sons life before our freshly filed divorce papers have even a court date assigned!! Now it is clear why she would not even consider therapy or mediation or civility!! Why it was so paramount to hold firm to no contact with her husband and fTher of her child. Why it was so easy for her to cling to a short lived fault in my character as if it was my defining trait. To think I tore myself to pieces trying to excise the cancer in me that poisoned us and all along it was her own selfish desires that were the catalyst. I was a fool to think she was special. To think she was somehow pure and incapable of such wreckless abuse. I was wrong again. She has destroyed what love I held for her and I am now driven to a new purpose. I write this simply as a record so that I can move past this pain knowing that her secrets dont become forgotten as this divorce goes on. She will regret this betrayal and she will never be as happy as she was and could have been with me. Shame on Kristina Winge and all her manipulations. Bill will hopefully learn from this man and run run run from this succubus hiding under the pretense of the victim. I am the malnourished fruit from a decayed branch of my familys tree. My path in life is to find a fertile patch of this Earth to seed and propogate my own tree, which I will tend and nurture until my dying day without fail to insure that every branch to come will be strong, fruitful and everlasting. I will not fail
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 02:26:43 +0000

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