L120Y | OBESITY | DEFICIENCY DISEASE | BAD FOODS We want to - TopicsExpress


L120Y | OBESITY | DEFICIENCY DISEASE | BAD FOODS We want to spend a little more time talking about an important subject right now. It’s obesity. The MDs (medical doctors) have gotten it completely backwards when it comes to obesity. From their reductionistic medical view of the world, obesity is the patients fault and it is a disease of excess. People eat too much. They don’t exercise enough. It’s got to be a bad gene. Your stomach is too big. Well, they’ve gotten it completely wrong. Obesity is not it is a disease of excess. Obesity is a deficiency disease. The only reason that people over eat is because their bodies are nutritionally starved. The only reason that their bodies are nutritionally starved is because they have listened to MDs and clinical nutritionists who were taught by MDs for advice about how to eat healthy. The ten foods that people eat most of the times are bad for you and will create net negative nutritional loss and net negative health effects. You can download this list for free when you sign up for our medical nutrition program. Wheat, barley, rye and oats; what do we eat all the time? We have Wheaties for breakfast. We have pancakes or bagels. We load up on the carbs because some knucklehead told us that that was the smart thing to do. What do we have for lunch? We have a sandwich; then we put deli meat that has nitrates added as preservatives into it. Nitrates turn into nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are carcinogenic. We also have mayonnaise on the salad and on the sandwich. Mayonnaise when taken into the body is rancid oil. It is oxidized oil. It promotes inflammation in the blood vessels and promotes the deposition of cholesterol in arteries and veins. What about salt? We dont have any salt because some knucklehead told us a low-salt diet was essential for health and it’s absolutely positively wrong. If youre on a salt restricted diet your body will not be able to digest food properly because your stomach needs salt to have strong and healthy stomach acid. What do we have for dinner? We have pasta for dinner. We have rolls with dinner. Maybe if we’re lucky we’re going to have meat. If we cook the (red) meat well-done or it has those charred grill marks in it, those charred grill marks or the well-done protein in that meat contains a chemical called heterocyclic amine which is carcinogenic, pro-inflammatory and will hurt you. So always make sure to cook red meat rare or medium rare. Maybe you’ll have French fries, stir fried vegetables or some type fried food. Sometimes you’re even going to have fried dessert. Fried foods contain a chemical called acrylamide. Fried food is extremely hazardous to your health. If you just stopped eating all fried food, zero tolerance for fried food, you would add between five and ten years to your life expectancy. There are countries in Europe that put warning labels on fried foods the same way we put them on cigarettes. The point here is simple. We do all the wrong things all the time for our health. We eat all the wrong foods all the time because we paid attention to MDs who dont know anything about nutrition and we are getting sicker and sicker because of it. All these things need to be avoided. But we wash down lunch with Coca-Cola, soda pop and Perrier. We wash down dinner with carbonated beverages all the time and it’s killing us slowly. We do all the wrong things all the time because we have leaned on the wrong medical profession for advice, and even though this ship is sinking we dont recognize the problem because is it such an overarching problem. The problem here is not you. The problem here is not science. The problem here is the medical industry that has been completely monopolized by the MDs to such a gigantic extent that you dont even recognize it has been monopolized. You’ve got the glasses on. Everything looks red. Everything looks nice and rosy. Take them off. The MDs perspective is one small perspective on the greater science of medicine. Now, when you want to really get to the root cause of whats causing arthritis, the root cause of whats causing obesity, the root cause of whats causing high blood pressure and fibromyalgia, where are you going to go to? You’re going to go right here ladies and gentlemen. We have the recipe dialed in. Here’s the secret to weight loss that hardly anybody knows. There are 90 essential nutrients that the human body must have everyday for optimal health. This includes 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids and 2 essential fatty acids. These facts are based off of 25 million dollars/12 years of research, looking at over 26,000 autopsies, and two million blood chemistries and histopathologies. These findings were published in a book that is now in the Smithsonian Institution. When you have this much pragmatic boots on the ground experience, you kind of get a clue a what is going on in the human body. Your body has a nutritional tank, but most people’s tank is only about 30%-40% full. This is because it is IMPOSSIBLE to get all of your nutrient needs met from food. You CANNOT do it. This is because 2/3 of our nutrient needs are minerals and all 60 minerals are not available in the food because minerals are unevenly spread out in the soil. Since most people are only getting a small amount of their nutrient needs met by eating food alone, they are nutritionally starved and things start to break. Since the nutrients are NOT in the food, in a desperate attempt to fill your nutritional tank up, your body makes you eat and eat and eat. This is the cause of obesity because your body doesn’t have the nutrients and it knows it. This is why we MUST supplement with high quality absorbable products that the body can easily absorb. Once you fill your nutrient tank up with all 90 essential nutrients, it is a game changer. Instead of eating 3,000 calories like you used to, you now eat 800 calories and you are full. This is what holistic medical nutrition does ladies and gentlemen. It fills your body’s nutrient tank up everyday and life is good. We will educate you about how to keep yourself healthy in the face of most chronic illnesses. Knowledge is power ladies and gentlemen. We have it dialed in for you. Dr. G is one of the only a few hundred licensed physicians in the United States with more than 20 years of clinical experience. We’re here for you. Find the truth about health care. You dont know what you dont know. Our primary mission is to educate you on Good Healthy Habits. Check out our site at L20Y (Living 120 Years Healthy) for free information on how to recover your health from just about any chronic health condition. L120Y/8110-2 Healing is easy!! Check out more great health articles in our blog section: l120y/?p=1730 Dr. G show from 05-11-12(01)
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 22:17:39 +0000

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