LAS VEGAS RALLY FOR MIKE BROWN/FERGUSON SEEMS TO BE ABOUT PROGRESSIVE POLITCAL AGENDA, DISTORTIONS AND PROPAGANDA NOT ABOUT THE POLICE OPPRESSION OF PEOPLES RIGHTS AND THEIR MURDERING OF PEOPLE OF ALL RACES!! This Rally is pushing the same divide and conquer strategy by focusing on race and making this a white vs black issue not a police vs the people issue. This is the same agenda that the progessives are trying to use to demonize freedom, gun and self defense rights, and push more government control. Although black people are targeted more then other races and in general their is racism in most police departments, the police are violating the rights of all races and genders. Both males and female, black, white, hispanic and others have been murdered by the police in 2014. And this is happening in all areas of the country. Just because the mainstream media and politicans are ignoring it, it doesnt mean it isnt happening. At least 730 people have been killed by the police this year and that number os probabaly much higher. Many of them unarmed or killed in situtions where police used excessive force. Although a fair share were black as well as other races, the only group in Las Vegas that Im aware of that has spoken out and held protests against the police is Kelly W. Pattersons Nevada Cop Block. Who IS NOT affilated with any politcal party, nor am I. But when political operatives with agendas see an opertunites to exploit a sitiutation and advance their party and agenda they are first to take advantage!! Although not invloved with this rally as they are supporting the other side, the conservatives are exploiting this as well to keep the back and forth going between the two like professional wrestling also try to focus on the racial ascept and not the oppressive government police. While these parties with partisan operatives will continue to exploit incidents of police bruility, violations of citizens rights and murder by police using the same tactics used by politicans and their parties, I WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT TRUE FREEDOM AND LIBERTY FOR ALL PEOPLE AND STAND UP TO THE OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT AND POLICE!!! IF ONE PERSONS RIGHTS ARE VIOLATED ALL OF OUR RIGHTS ARE VIOLATED. END THE GOVERNMENT POLICE!!! #ENDTHEPOLICE mynews3/content/programming/local/facetoface/default.aspx
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 08:12:30 +0000

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