Ladies & Gentlemen.. do you know why far right wing neo con - TopicsExpress


Ladies & Gentlemen.. do you know why far right wing neo con zionists and christians hate president obama so much?.... have you ever wondered why their is so much anger and hatred to the point of extreme salivation?.... have you wondered why FOX news day in and day out 24/7 for the past 6 years have done nothing but humiliate.. degrade... embarrass.. and try to destroy the president of the united states?... i will tell you why... because president obama has not kissed Israels ass... so far their hasnt been any US military intervention in syria... iran or the ukraine and he has pulled our troops out of iraq and afghanistan.... and the administration is supporting a palestinian state.... look we all know that obama has to kiss israels ass and do what the rothschilds tells him to... but he is not a full fledged neo con zionist neither... he is not giving israel what they want like the bushes did which is blood shed and war.... so far he has held firm with Iran and has not been tough with them.... israel hates president obama.. and when the zionists hate someone.. they are relentless and they foam from the mouth, gnash their teeth and pull their beards and they never stop.... have you also wondered why the hatred for obama on the right is so nasty?.. its rather quite uncanny isnt it?.... i have never seen anything like this before..... hate is not even a word that can describe it actually..its a phenomenon never seen before in american politics... isnt it obvious folks?.. their are other reasons as well.... the obama administration strongly enforces the separation between church and state and the christian zionists are losing power in america.. and when they lose power.. israel loses support.... and dont forget the AMA and the american medical establishment is run by zionists and obamacare is threatening their power and wallets.... so the next time you see FOX news salivate from the mouth and hate obama,, no the reason~~~Gio
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:07:07 +0000

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