Last post before the big day tomorrow. Tomorrow is the - TopicsExpress


Last post before the big day tomorrow. Tomorrow is the Referendum. Vote Yes, Vote No. Whatever the outcome we all will have to accept, one way or another. And thats democracy. But, and if you dont know my stance by now you obviously arent paying attention (!), Ill make my final plea to those who havent decided yet. Please, do not throw this Union away. The Yes campaign is better organised, louder, more in your face, more prominent on social media and certainly upbeat. Salmond, although many think he is patrionising and creepy, is a tremendous debater and he does have the charisma that does appeal. He is a Scotsman!. No doubt - he is friendly, likes a pint and a blether, and as someone on the (EVIL) BBC said the other day he is unique - a political leader who is actually popular!- noting wrong with that. His problem, and the Yes campaigns problem,is that when you go to the next level, theres not a lot there. The Yes campaign have basically ignored the currency issue. This is singularly the most important issue in this campaign. The Yes hope is that there will be a currency union with the rest of the UK. But if Scotland becomes independent, why on Earth would anyone else in the rest of the UK want to hand powers to someone who has decided to leave? If an employee left your workplace would you still pay them a bonus and give them a company car? Of course not. When this is pointed out - SCAREMONGERING. 2nd option, apparently, although Salmond wasnt too clear on this, is Keep the Pound, but with no fiscal control. Now, Im no master in economics, but even I know this is madness. Not just me, Nobel Prize winning economists beleive this to be crazy. We wont even discuss the Euro or our own money.Even Salmond knows these are mental. All Parties have said if we go ahead with the pound with no currency union, it is instant recession, austerity measures, job losses (i can hear the scaremongering chants from here.....) Now the EU - we need ALL members of the EU to let us in. According to Spain (who have their own little Catalunya issue) this wont happen. Also I wouldnt rely on the UK to let us in. Why would a country that we have pissed off so much let us in? (scarem.....). Think about it. Military - Harvie of the Greens at one of the debates screamed whos gonna attack us.... ill give you two words - John Smeaton! and if you have Europes biggest oil field and about 2,000 miles of coastline - you might want to protect it. Defence took 1 PAGE in the holy bibl.. sorry White Paper. I certainly dont feel safer. Now oil. Yes we have oil. Yes it is very valuable. The WHITE PAPER suggests that we will cream off the tax of the oil as it will be £120 a barrel. Today, oil stands at less than $90 a barrel. Thats a quarter off the projection. Thats £5 Billion. The entire school budget. Think about it (scar...). No, Fact. If you are still with me, there is more. HMRC, DVLA, Foreign embassies, Welfare state. I know many, many people that work in HMRC in Cumbernauld - and here is the bad news - you may be out of a job on Monday - ok that bit IS scaremongering, but its worrying. If Yes win, the British Government has no obligation to keep open any of its operations in Scotland - why the hell should they? they will have no involvement in the welfare of an independent Scotland. and were gonna bloody need it. Do you know how much the Yes campaign said it would cost to set up a new welfare state, in the White Paper, DVLA, etc..... £2.5 MILLION. Do you know how much the best estimate is from Neutral sources? £2 BILLION. at least they got the 2 right.... I could go on about the other myths and lies we have been force fed over the last couple of years, but its late and I have to vote tomorrow. I could go on about shipyards, unity, sport, the great things we have done as individuals and joined nations, our great combined war efforts, our history in being first on the scene with aid in foreign countries, etc. But I wont, Conversely the Yes campaign could go on about policies they arent happy with, some of which I agree (Trident), but Im sure youve read that elsewhere. I know half of the guessers wont even read this, or give up after a paragraph or two, but those who have stuck with me, thanks. Now its up to us. All of us. Get out there tomorrow. Get to the polling stations. Find a babysitter. Take the kids with you. Take your elderly relative who cant walk to the station. Make it there. Vote No. TC
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 21:28:42 +0000

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