Learn quick ways to beat #stress! - TopicsExpress


Learn quick ways to beat #stress! wtnh/2014/10/09/5-easy-ways-to-beat-stress/ on Connecticut Style Sometimes it feels we’re destined to suffer from stress. Conflicting obligations, work and family demands, and our own negative thinking can wreak havoc with our mental and physical health. The “fight or flight” response seems to be inevitable in a society moving at the speed of light! But life doesn’t have to be so stressful. Personal development expert Cloris Kylie shows you that with a few simple tweaks, you can dramatically lower your stress levels. 1. Catch stress in its tracks. A stressful thought can gain enough momentum to make you feel it’s the end of the world. The key is to stop the thought as soon as it pops into your head, and replace it with an empowering thought that makes you feel better. Deadline looming? If you catch yourself thinking you won’t finish on time, bring to mind the other times when you’ve been able to complete your projects before they are due. 2. Assume a different perspective. Say to yourself that no matter how stressed you are, you will still have to deal with your challenges. Having a clear mind instead of a stressed-out, foggy mind will allow you find solutions to your problems. 3. Take time off from the situation. When you feel overwhelmed, take a break. A minute of deep breathing can do the trick. If you still feel stressed, go for a short walk. In situations of extreme stress, taking a day or even a week off can work wonders. 4. Adopt stress-reducing behaviors such as: - Fit serotonin-inducing activities in your schedule such as meditation and yoga. – Avoid processed foods and favor fruits and vegetables. – Start a gratitude journal. – Create a “Happy Memory Box” to store items that remind you of joyful moments. – Spend more time with your pet. – Call your friends or family to catch up instead of being glued to your social media stream. – Add physical activity to your life. – Get enough sleep by setting the alarm 20 minutes before your ideal bedtime. 5. Surround yourself with peace. A cluttered office or home will worsen your stress levels. Organize your stuff and donate what you don’t need. Eliminate sources of unnecessary noise—does the TV need to be on while you cook? Redecorate. Spend a few minutes in nature every day.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 13:39:09 +0000

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