Legacy Legacy is all we can leave behind; whether in our - TopicsExpress


Legacy Legacy is all we can leave behind; whether in our life’s work, or in the culmination of our lifespan. It is how we will be remembered by the people around us; the fruition of a lifetime, and a celebration of the achievements our work left behind. Those actions will be the ones to either perpetuate or debunk our myth… I can feel your pain GOP. You tried your best… I mean, G.W. Bush couldn’t have left the Country in any worse of a situation. Economy tanking, real estate tanking, financial district tanking, job market tanking, stock market tanking, auto industry tanking, engaged in two wars… a time when the United States major export abroad… was jobs… and Corporations that decided to build new facilities in other countries, staff them with resident workers, and still expect tax breaks. Tax breaks that were supposed to generate jobs for our Country… This President had to restore our Country from a crumbling shambles; save our financial and banking institutions, rescue the auto industry, repair our influences abroad, and try to find some way out of the wars that he inherited… You GOP backslappers believed he had only one shot at pulling it off; and that was no shot… Nobody told that to President Obama, though. President Obama’s legacy is of great concern to this set of Republicans. So much so; they are willing to destroy their own legacies, to tarnish his. A case of action and reaction… Let me use an example: say the President wants to enact a piece of legislation; it has been voted on and approved by both houses of Congress; but you don’t like it. You refused to negotiate long before and until the moment; and allowed the Government to shut down, hoping that will stop the legislation. Maybe if negotiations had taken place; you tea baggers would have found out that the ACA was already funded, and shutting down the Government would not stop its activation. Instead; the GOP are left standing there with a collective wet spot on the front of their collective trousers, claiming “Someone peed my pants.” When asked about an exit strategy (or stra-tea-jury; as they know it), the GOP kind of don’t have one. What do you expect from a party that was oblivious to their own defeat last November? They couldn’t comprehend how they were losing Ohio. The computer models; that were used during the G.H.W. Bush’s run, showed that they should be winning. Everyone else is wrong… Fearless leader Karl Rove had a partial meltdown on live television, when the numbers from the America of today rolled in… The GOP is pining for an America the way it used to be; while today’s America is steamrolling over them. We are more diverse, more informed; the younger generation is more open-minded and more tolerant. Things that the Republican party; are not… In 100 years; President Obama’s legacy of being the first person of color elected to the Presidency will still be intact. His Healthcare Reform Law will be compared in the same light as Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security; it is relevant in our society. We cannot continue to accept citizens as they work; and malign them when age or disability removes them from the workforce. We can’t work forever; no matter how much the Republicans want us to. In their opinion; as long as you contribute by working and paying your taxes, possibly support the RNC in some way or other, and go along with the wiping out of all the Federal programs you count on to be there once you turn in your time card to someone younger and more able-bodied; you’ll do just fine. I repeat myself -not out of forgetfulness- but clarifying who is responsible for this SNAFU. I lay blame at the GOP… You may say hold on; wait a second… the tea party is responsible for the shut-down… if 20 to 30 people can overcome the full will and capability of the Republican House of Representatives; then they control your party. Denying it doesn’t make it true… John Boehner, Lindsay Graham, Mitch MC Connell, and John MC Cain… the Republican answer to Mt. Rushmore… what of their legacies left behind??? In 100 years; scholars may reveal the truths behind their obstructionist, malingering rule. How their party was hijacked by an extremist group that called themselves a patriotic name; used partial excerpts of Amendments to argue their positions, and have no interest in compromise… they want concession… who knows if that unbridled gang of zealots little movement will be around in a century… by the way; malingering is an Article 15 offense, in the UCMJ. A soldier can be stripped of rank, pay, receive a Dishonorable Discharge, and be booted out of the military or imprisoned. If you aren’t striving for a solution; you’re part of the problem… a military’s mission is to protect America from all enemies; foreign and domestic… Distinguished careers bought to ruins over concerns of your job; or bitterness of campaigns lost, or fears of success by the other party… denying the adage that when one prospers; we all prosper… What if Louis Pasteur or Jonas Salk had only been concerned about their own families..? What if those historical giants had only thought of themselves? The world is watching and waiting for us to fail… Wars have been fought; and lives lost in furthering the cause of Democracy, here and abroad. The message being sent by our own Congress; is that Democracy does not work. You can be a core minority; take over your Party, and bring down a Government, if you choose to do so. In a perplexing way; that proves Democracy does work. The world will not make that distinction. We will be seen as unable to keep our house in order, and our influence will be lost. We may be seen as weak; and our defenses may be tried. Our debts may be called in; all at once, leaving us worse off than Greece. This could be the fall of the last Superpower… That’s one Hell of a legacy to leave behind. To be aligned with the fall of America; to be one of the masters of its destruction, to have your name affixed to some futuristic trivia question like “Name the individuals who caused America’s default; and crashed the global economy…” to leave behind a legacy like a cautionary tale… Your families must be so proud. They will have to be. They will be the ones to see your legacies consequences… their cross to bear… After all the blocking, the obstructing, the sacrificing of America, their Mt. Rushmore-like places in history, and the legacies they tossed to the wind; the ACA will still be here, for the simple fact that it is needed… the Republicans scornfully call the ACA Obamacare. In 100 years; the ones who fought so mightily to end this law; will be relegated to being a footnote in the History books… in the chapter bearing the title of the program they tried to dismantle. It is a sad ending; to an even sadder time in America’s history… Bud Allen
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 15:26:20 +0000

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