Lets see, guess start today off with last night. Went to Tim - TopicsExpress


Lets see, guess start today off with last night. Went to Tim Warfield s birthday bash at Victors in York pa. last night. The place had a huge cake made for it. Dinner was still working on me so I passed when they asked if they could set a piece infront of me. The group kicked ass, ceptin Mr. Warfield... musts been the 4 shots of Wild Turkey he had before the start!!!! Just kidding Tim did his usual over the top performance. There was a thing that bothered me... not one to interfere in anybopdys buisness did notice this dude sitting a few seats away throwing them down then got up and it was obvious he was not right. Walked out , and my guess, got in his car and drove home. he should have never been allowed to get behind the wheel. But hey who the hell am I anyway. The part of the night that was even better than Tims gig??? Getting there and then gettin home. Low humidity and clear skys. The views on the way there were fantastic. wouldve been better if I didnt have to drive!!! asked a few to go nobody interested. But then agian seems anymore a trip to the store and the gas station is as far as anybody can afford to go!!! back to last night. Got home safe and sound. it is kinda nice having one of the safest cars made. Took the dogs out and my oh my what did I see??? I absolutley beautiful sky full of stars/ like said earlier low humisity and clear skys!!! It was like September out there!!! Thats all for now got to go out and battle the gnats weeding the garden. you know when Im done I get to start all over agian. Why oh why did I put such a big garden in????
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 10:39:28 +0000

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