Lets talk about belief. Belief is a yes to something that has - TopicsExpress


Lets talk about belief. Belief is a yes to something that has revealed itself to be true. I do not believe the sky to be red, because the sky reveals itself daily to be blue. My belief is a fruit of revelation of truth. My belief does not make something true, or untrue for that matter, it recognizes what is already true. In the spectrum of Christian dogma, we have turned belief into a key that unlocks a magic portal wherein we somehow become accepted by God. In reality, belief is a natural outflow - a yes - to the truth that we are already accepted by God, before we believe. His love was demonstrated for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. His death did not await our belief, it became true - and because of the truth of His death - we believe. Belief, as opposed to faith (fruit of something that reveals itself to be faithful) says this is true, and I believe it. We would never say someone needs to believe in gravity to benefit from it or that they need to believe there is air around them to stay alive. No, the truth remains the truth AND they benefit from it whether they believe or not. I may try to hold my breath if I dont believe there is oxygen all around me. When I finally give up and take a breath though, oxygen doesnt suddenly appear and fill my lungs for that moment. It was there all along. So it is with the Spirit of God. S/he is in and through every human walking this earth, and although some are holding their breath, s/he is not removed from them awaiting the giving up. The spirit is there, and when they believe, it stays right where its always been - in the middle of their heart/spirit - bearing witness within our own spirit that we are the children of God. You are a child of God - so believe you are. - Caleb Miller
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 20:22:08 +0000

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