Letters to Sylphs Question: I was wondering if you would give - TopicsExpress


Letters to Sylphs Question: I was wondering if you would give me any information on why I feel so lost at the moment? I would be deeply grateful if you could. Thank you. Response: It is almost like at times you feel dizzy inside—there is a sense of spinning in circles I get. What you describe as “lost” is also being detached, seeing things from a distance, and a floating sensation—all of which is not feeling tied down, a part of what is going on around you, and not participating as other people are participating. This is all sylph/air spirit energy. Within you there is this very detached kind of perspective on the planet earth as if you are looking down at the world from seventy miles up. But you do not connect to that part of yourself yet. Think of it like this: each person you meet has a basic song that sums up the rhythm and momentum of that individual’s life, how he or she sees and feels things, and what energizes and makes that individual feel most alive. One woman said to me that when she hears Southern Confederate battle songs, like When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again, it always cheers her up. Then again she recalls a past life where she fought for the South. Yet each person’s vibration or song changes. People move in and out of various moods. All the same they retain the basic vibration underneath their conscious feelings. You, my dear, have the divine gift to “sing” in such a way that people vibrate so they come fully alive, enter, and experience great peace and harmony. Some psychologists have noticed that if you are sitting next to someone and simply mouth silently a popular song the other person will start humming or thinking it also. We have immense non-verbal connections to each other the way the wind shapes clouds, air pressure causes rain to fall, and magnetism in the earth tells lightning when and where to strike. You will overcome your lost feeling when you give other people you full attention. Do not look at them as people. Look at them as art the way Beethoven can look at a calm lake at night and write Moonlight Sonata or Joseph Mohr wrote Silent Night, Holy Night in 1816 perhaps gazing out a window at moonlight on a snow covered field. The air spirits have the detachment, sense of harmony, and curiosity to enjoy the unique way that sensory impressions appear in each moment. And so they make fabulous musicians and artists. Obviously, I am just suggesting you be more attentive to people around you and notice your ability to bring out the best in them. This enables you to feel more engaged and connected and a part of whatever is going on around you. My contribution to this “transpersonal psychology” approach is to add in that you have immense powers not known to human beings should you join yourself to nature, to the sky and to the atmosphere of the earth. I myself, when entering the realm of the air spirits, sometimes wonder why I would ever want to return to my human form. I am of the sky, at home in that realm, and see through the eyes of sylphs. I celebrate harmony from the core of my being. I see beauty as the purpose behind the creation of the universe. I like a calm, clear day with its blue sky and like sylphs I love the enlightened mind that embodies absolute freedom. Yet I also feel part of hurricanes and know their hearts. And so naturally I am comfortable taking conflict--the very worst conflict that can exist--and drawing it inside of myself, I recreate it as peace, wonder, and joy. youtube/watch?v=405ilUCO_MU
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 10:58:30 +0000

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