Life Lessons Weve Learned From Running Runners come in all - TopicsExpress


Life Lessons Weve Learned From Running Runners come in all different shapes, sizes and ages, and they all come with different goals: losing weight, finishing a marathon, setting a personal record. Even as a group of like-minded health editors, we are all different runners. But we can agree on one thing: Running is a source of endless wisdom -- its not just about fitness. Here are a few of the things being a runner has taught us. Add yours in the comments below! --- 1. You are stronger than you think. 2. Every run is different. You can run the same loop at the same time two days in a row and feel like the queen of the world one day and the scum of the earth the next. It doesnt say anything about you as a person -- except that youre normal. 3. There is a fine line between being in pain and being injured. You have to learn where your line is and when to stop. 4. Take rest days. 5. Theres something magical and indescribable about a comfortable pace and a good playlist. 6. The runners high is real, and once youve experienced it, theres no turning back. 7. Its perfectly acceptable to skip happy hour because you were really looking forward to that evening (or tomorrows early-morning) run. 8. Sometimes cheering for a runner is even better than running. 9. Fancy gadgets and gear are fun, but they dont make you a runner. 10. Running a real race is not a prerequisite to calling yourself a runner. But dont be intimidated to try one. 11. Running is all about you. You determine your own goals. For some, thats a marathon. For others, its making it around the block. 12. Focusing on the horizon can make each step in front of you feel easier. 13. There are meditative powers in clearing your mind and focusing on your breath or the sound of your feet. 14. The best way to explore a new city or learn a new route is on foot. 15. Running is a common denominator. Runners always have something to talk about together. 16. Sometimes the only thing holding you back is your own mind.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 18:21:55 +0000

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