Life has always been a puzzle. It is full of uncertainties that - TopicsExpress


Life has always been a puzzle. It is full of uncertainties that make every day a totally different recollection. A new day always comes with its fair share of opportunities and challenges packaged together. Good day, enjoy your day at work (or school), blessed day….etc. are common salutations we share with our beloved ones every sunrise as we depart from home. A day with stints of upsets and disenchantment is the least thing crossing our minds. An idyllic day; full happiness and little struggle- the Garden of Eden kind of life is all we wish for. However the reality paints a totally different picture. We are exposed to numerous risks making life a risk in its eventuality. Life isn’t a bed of roses we would always want. This is a fact we are forced to tussle and live with. A lifetime investment has taken toll of all your physical and emotional ability. You have worked hard testing all your potential to the limit. All you dreamt of in life is just an arm stretch away. Nice car, beautiful house, mooing cows in your own hacienda and generally happy family. Then out of the blues, disaster strikes. All the investment is blown away. Before you know you are left ruined. All your years’ labor disappears into the thin air. You need a helping hand to recover from the drawback. Insurance would come in handy to salvage such scenario. A reason you should move with speed to get yourself a cover when beginning to invest. We all love our families to the last breath. Little is left to chance when it comes to matters family. Wildest imagination as it may seem, we expect a family full of smile ceaselessly. The least we expect is anyone of them wallowing in poverty and destitution even in our absence. This is the reason we need to secure their comfort even in the event of our sudden or otherwise expected demise. Life insurance becomes paramount in this case. We need to purchase it. Road carnage is a recurring monster in our roads. Whether out of sheer disregard of the traffic rules or as a case of accident, road accidents are what we witness on a regular basis. However stringent the laws we put in place, flaws from human being always result in maims, damage of vehicles, even regrettably loss of lives. This is why mandatory laws have been enacted to make sure we have vehicles on our roads and their contents insured. You can’t drive on our roads without a motor insurance cover. The costs of medical expenses are always sky-rocketing. Diseases on the other part are increasingly becoming complicated. New complications come with increased costs which add a burden to the already overly bloated budget in these hard economic times. Medical cover becomes the best cushion in such times, we need one. You build a mansion in one of those posh estates in the city outskirts. Construct an iron gate then erect an ‘mbwa kali’ warning notice outside. You ensure the house is well lit together with continuous flow of piped clean water and hire a tough looking guard at the gate. Then one evening burglars show up, beat up the guy, hang the ‘mbwa kali’ and break into the house. They escape with every significant household good you invested in heavily. Alternatively, defect in electricity connections brings the house down with flames and before you know the only beauty remaining is color grey-ashes. You wished you had taken up an insurance cover. Necessity of taking up an insurance cover can’t be over-emphasized. That they are vital in our daily engagements is too soft a statement. From the farmers in the rural and the urban folks, to the low, the middle and the upper level income earners alike, we all need Insurance to salvage ourselves when life calamities drive us to the woods. Lets make that bold step and take up Insurance covers.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 01:18:50 +0000

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