#LikeToRead #HereIsSomethingForYou Darius lit a cigarette for - TopicsExpress


#LikeToRead #HereIsSomethingForYou Darius lit a cigarette for the first time in months, inhaled slowly and exhaled the smoke the same way. He sat in his car, outside his house watching the day, as it appeared. Actually he had sat in the car for hours and hadnt thought of anything, simply watching the days transiton into what soon would be the dark of night. He wanted to go to Cora, but was unsure after the news of her meltdown. He didnt quite grasp how one minute she was normal, fine in all aspects of sanity and then the next minute she has a relapse back into rock bottom. He called once and her mother answered. They had spoke for less than a minute before she hung up. Darius didnt take that as a good sign, so he had stayed away. Even though he was anxious, itching with a desperate yearn to see her with his eyes, to touch her with his hands, to kiss her and tell her he was taking her away from it all. Somewhere in his valley of experience he had a feeling that she wouldnt be ready, not right now. So he stayed away. Until, he found himself parking in front of her apartment building. He turned the car off, and looked around. He didnt see any familair looking cars so he settled back into his seat and looked towards her windows. The curtains were parted and a dim light shone from inside, whether it was the television or a lamp, Darius wasnt sure. He also wasnt sure on what he would do. This wasnt the first time that he had sat outside her building and watched her apartment. He had seen her when she sat on her window seat, glass in hand, legs tucked underneath her, eyes watching the rain falling from the sky. Even in the heavy gloom of those seemingly long rainy days, Cora shone out to him like a city light from a country road. A few times he had rung her bell or waited until someone left the building and caught the door before it closed, taking the stairs to her apartment door. In all context of his actions he was definitely stalking her on a low scale, it would be a strong vice against him if he were a stranger or a perverted man. He felt no harm or risk in his actions since Cora hadnt refused his presence. Their relationship, when it was active, wasnt easy between them partially because thats how Darius wanted it. He needed a challenge, a woman different from the majority of it girls, or the trophy wives. The ones who faked everything except the act of spending any and every dime you could accumilate. The shy ones who loved nature and the arts only to hold more demons and secrets imaginable to the modern time. When he saw the trueness in her, he knew he had found the one. She let him take charge, be in charge and control over her and him. He made certain of her safety and happiness, and that back thought was the reason for his own secrecy. Cora was smart and humble yet a bit weak when it came to harsh reality. Darius knew from their first date, that he could not reveal who he really was to her. She simply wouldnt be able to deal with it. Darius realized as he thought of how she had been dealing with Ricks death. He could make her strong, however the process of her adaptation would weigh a ton on Darius other affairs. He needed her in his life, he wanted her by his side at all times, how she would fit into it all was the problem he was trying to figure out. Him popping back into town wasnt by accident, it wasnt a pit stop on the way to the actual desitination, it was planned and intentional and now was nearing its first peak on the scale. The front windows were slightly cracked providing Darius and the car with a refreshing breeze as the sky turned a pinkish orange on its way down across the horizon. He couldnt see it, but knew the feeling he would get if he did. A hour had passed by the time he checked his watch. Coras light was still on and he was still sitting in his car. He was about to gather his self to get out when blarring bright lights lit up the inside of his car. He looked to his rear view mirror, then the side one and watched the car pull into a park behind him. He hadnt seen it before and was curious to who was driving. A few minutes passed before the driver exited his vehicle. Darius squinted a little trying to get a good look at the man, but instantly knew that he did not recognize him. The man retrieved a bouquet of flowers and a medium sized black plastic bag from the back seat, before closing the door and engaging the lock from a button on his keys. He strolled up to the main door of the apartment building, considered the buttons on the directory before pushing one then stepping to the side. Darius thought that the man had looked at him, but shook the feeling off and sank deeper into his seat. The buzzer sounded lightly and the man entered the building. Feeling like he had missed his opprotunity, he lit another cigarette and contemplated on what to do next.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 07:25:13 +0000

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