Liko Avi Sela Hafner Hello friends and friends of friends , we - TopicsExpress


Liko Avi Sela Hafner Hello friends and friends of friends , we turn to you for your help in making our dream of a family possible. Due to an illness, after many years of suffering and failed fertility treatments, a surrogacy procedure looks to be our last chance for a child together. For this, we have to raise money. Liko, ( 36 ) A Nurse, In the Maternity Ward in Ha Emek Hospital Afula. Avi ( 30 ) Studying for a diploma in Engineering in the construction field and works for Yanshuf a company specializing in wood construction . We reside in Kibbutz Reshafim, we are married without children. Our story : I , Liko suffer from a disease called Endometriosis which causes severe pain, internal Abdominal adhesions and damage to fertility. After years of suffering and a late diagnosis of the disease by 17 years, Liko had to undergo multiple surgeries. Following the failure of Vitro Fertilizations and due to the diseases progression we were sent by a physician a year ago, to start the process of adoption and surrogacy. When we realized that the process of surrogacy was more than we can afford, we began the long and tedious process of adoption, through the Child Welfare Services. After a year in the system, it was made clear to us that we have to wait for about 4 more years! Because we want more than anything is to start a family, we also started the process of surrogacy . We have two frozen embryos which are probably our last chance of a common biological child, and in the case that the embryos are not accepted there is always the possibility to create embryos from donated eggs. After a long search we found a great Surrogate, we passed the committee by the Ministry of Health, and as of now the only thing that separates us from the dream of being parents is money. The cost of a surrogate comes to NIS 250,000 , and egg donation a further NIS 40,000 . The is where we ask for your help ( despite the difficulty in exposing ourselves ) with the thought that if we can enlist your help and with it another 2500 friends, with an average of 100 NIS per friend (28$) - we got the money to fulfill our dream . , We’ll greatly appreciate if you join us on our journey entirely devoted to creating life and we promise to update you during this complex and wonderful process. We thank those who have already joined and helped - Isaac Ohnona, Siegel Blisha from Ha Emek hospital in Afula and our friends and family for their help and endless support. We will be happy to answer any questions : Liko - 972-54-9506880 Avi - 972-52-2429307 Address: Kibbutz Reshafim, Zip 10905 Bank transfer : Hefner Avi Sela Hefner Lee Bank Leumi ( 10 ) Branch ( 966 ) account No. ( 02786865 ) International transfers : IBN IL 490109660000002786865
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 20:37:42 +0000

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