List of japanese gods and Goddesses Ama no Uzume Description: - TopicsExpress


List of japanese gods and Goddesses Ama no Uzume Description: Fertility goddess who performed teh lewd dance to draw Amaterasu out of the cave. Rules Over: Good crops. Amaterasu Description: Guardian of the Japanese people, ruler of all deities. One of her tasks was to weave sacred robes for the gods, a habit kept alive today by modern Shinto priestesses. Rules Over: Warmth, harvest, love, fertility, goodness, wisdom, peace, light, compassion. Ama-Tsu-Kami Description: Name given to the Gods of Heaven to distinguish them from the gods of the Earth (who are called the Kuni-Tsu-Kami). Amida-nyorai Other Names: Amida. Description: A form of the Buddha. Rules Over: Protection, forgiveness. Benten Other Names: Benzaiten. Description: Only goddess of good luck. Rules Over: Protection from earthquakes, inspiration and talent, wealth and romance. Chimati no Kami Descriptoin: God of crossroads and footpaths. Rules Over: Fertility. Emma-hoo Other Names: Emma-o. Description: Male Ruler of the Underworld. Rules Over: Death, revenge, destruction. Fugen Bosatsu Description: A God. Rules Over: Enlightening wisdom, intelligence, understanding, intuition, long life. Hachiman Description: Diefied historical figure after his death. Rules Over: War, battle, bravery, honor, success in personal matters. Haya-ji Other Names: Haya-tsu-mujo no Kami. Description: God of the winds. Rules Over: Winds, whirlwinds. Ida-ten Description: Guardian of the Law. Rules Over: Justice, law, victory, purity. Inari Description: Goddess, sometimes a god, of rice. Rules Over: Shopkeepers, merchants, business, prosperity, smithing, sword blades. Ishikore-dome Description: Stone-Coagulating Old Woman who was a smith-goddess who created the first mirror from copper stones out of the Isuzu River. Rules Over: Smithing, creativity, creation. Izanagi Description: Creator God, earth God, Male Principle. Rules Over: Magick. Izanami Description: Divine Mother, Earth Goddess, Female Principle. Rules Over: Magick. Jizo Bosatsu Description: Protector of Mankind. Rescues souls from hell. Rules Over: Children, the dead, comfort, rescue, counsel for the dead, protection from evil. Kannon Bosatsu Other Names: Kannon, Kwannon. Description: Male form of the Chinese Kuan Yin. Rules Over: Mercy, compassion. Kaya nu Hima Description: Goddess of herbs. Rules Over: Herbs. Kishi-Mojin Other Names: Kishimo-Hin. Description: Protectress of children, Universal Mother. Rules Over: Compassion, childbirth, life, balance, fertility. Kono-hana-sakuya-hime Description: Goddess of the cherry tree. Rules Over: Cherry trees. Nai no Kami Description: God of earthquakes. Rules Over: Earthquakes. Naru-Kami Other Names: Kami-Naru. Description: Goddess of thunder. Rules Over: Thunder, protection, treese, artisans. O-kuni-nushi Other Names: Okuninushi. Description: Earth God. Rules Over: Medicine, sorcery, cunning, self-realization. O-Ryu Description: Goddess of the willow tree. Rules Over: Willow Trees. O-wata-tsumi Other Names: Shio-zuchi. Description: Most important sea deities. Rules Over: The ocean tides and sea creatures. O-Yama-tsu-mi Description: First and most important of eight mountain gods. Rules Over: All mountains and volcanoes. Rafu-sen Description: Goddess of the plum blossoms. Rules Over: Plum blossoms. Sae no Kami Description: Name for the guardian gods of the roads. Rules Over: Protection from misfortune. Sakyamuni Other Names: Shaka-nyorai. Description: Japanese name for the Buddha. Rules Over: Virtue, enlightenment, self-realization. Shichi Fukujin Other Names: Shichi-Kukujin. Description: The Seven Gods of Happiness. Their Names: Ebisu (patron of work), Daikoku (prosperity), Benzaiten (love), Bishamonten (happiness and war), Fukurokuju (happiness and long life), Juojin (happiness and long life), Hotei Osho (good fortune). Susanoo Other Names: Susanowo. Description: Mischief making god of storm and thunder. Rules Over: Agriculture, earthquakes, rain, storms, snakes, bravery, the seas, trees. Toyota Mahime Description: Sea Goddess. Uso-Dori Description: Goddess of singing who appears in the shape of a bullfinch.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 06:09:35 +0000

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