Listening to these Equality debates today, I have to say the - TopicsExpress


Listening to these Equality debates today, I have to say the opposition just doesnt make sense! Argument 1) Marriage is not just about love, its primary purpose is for sanctified procreation! My question then is who is going to start banning the elderly and the barren from marrying? What if two people choose not to have children is their marriage made null? Argument 2) Why cant we let the people decide? My question then is when in history have the people voted a majority in favor of giving a minority equal rights. The downfall of legal discrimination with women, African Americans, and other minorities has always come at the hands of legislative bodies, not the people! Argument 3) Allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry will ruin the sanctity of marriage. My question would then be did divorce not already do this? Did reality shows that offer a 12 week fast pass to marriage not already do this? Did growing infidelity rates not already do this? Argument 4) God is sovereign. His law is the only true. This one really gets me fired up. A) We do not make laws in this country to appease one religion. We make laws that protect all. Check your Constitution. B) If you want to discuss Gods Sovereign reign, please read Romans 13: 1-2: Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. As a Christian, I find it appalling that you would use Biblical argument against two loving committed people. Love thy Neighbor certainly did not come with an asterisk... If it did this world would be a far darker place because last I checked SIN IS/WAS/ALWAYS WILL BE SIN! So many people argue about protecting the children, protecting them from what? Love? How about we start by protecting the children that realize they are different at a young age and constantly hear how they are some how lesser than others.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 02:15:12 +0000

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