(Long post follows) Im not alleging to be a founding member, - TopicsExpress


(Long post follows) Im not alleging to be a founding member, nor is the person saying so likely to say so as well. The way I phrased it in private conversation was that its like watching chaos unfold - this isnt a movement. I know this is a nihilism group but Ive also noticed not everybody is the same sort of nihilism (specifically that nothing matters, and Im going to try to not value anything) - so some of you may be wondering who these newbies are babbling about means and ends and economics, but not identifying as anarcho capitalists whatever those words mean. Ill just explain my side of it, and each person who at least is sympathetic or contributes to this sort of thing suggested by the image may or may not agree that it applies to them. I think thats the point: About three or so years ago when I stumbled upon the facebook community of ardent Lockean Rights Anarchists they told me about this nonsense called the non-aggression principle. So I thought hey, a bunch of people parroting an inferior version of the Harm Principle! and it took about 2 minutes to figure out the magic spells and key concepts of NAP and its mental allegory to said harm principle. Since Libertarians basically co-opted the harm principle into yet another objectivist moral philosophy it appeared to others that I was a quick study when I was just curious and observing. A little background for the uninitiated: the harm principle alleges that harming another person is immoral (the definition of immoral and why one ought to be immoral varies just as the definition of harm) and thus one ought not to harm others, as one is often told they ought not to be immoral. The NAP takes this one step backward by saying that the harm principle can be applied to a general sense of prohibition, but not justification. In libertarian philosophy I have yet to find a definition of moral (there are no positive expectations of a person), only infinite definitions of immoral (there are no end to prescriptive bullshit that people impose on the entire universe). If you can find a definition of how to be moral in libertarian philosophy, people will decry your prescription as prescriptive, call you a slavemaster, then blithely forget what they said and insist that you cannot be taxed because -that- is theft and immoral. This NAP thing is the pride and joy of libertarian philosophy. Its what gives its proponents some sort of masturbatory fantastical high ground, often based on nothing but ad hominem attacks and a complete inability to defend ones assertions coherently, much less logically. Simple terms are completely obliterated and rendered meaningless in libertarian philosophy. As an example, property is loosely defined as scarce abstractions (goods and services cannot be property if nobody is fighting over it, apparently) that one obtains legitimately through mixing labour into it. Did I mention libertarians are not marxists and thus eschew the labour theory of value? Of course libertarians will argue just because nobody else values what I did with my labour doesnt mean I dont - Well thats the whole bloody point: YOU VALUED IT, and it wasnt because you invested LABOUR into it - its because you imagined the value and imposed it on that whatever. Also, humans cant be property, because they arent scarce....oh wait, thats not the reason, is it Libertarians? Humans cant be property because magic spell pew pew reflect har har Voldemart I put on my tin foil cap! Bwahahaha Pyramids wasnt built by slaves it was the Illuminati working with aliens! In any case, I picked up on this nonsense and ran with it. At first I had a huge amount of enemies, which is expected when introducing a new idea to a bunch of religious zealots. But as surely as Christianity struggles with skeptics, eventually more and more skeptics started to understand what I was bringing up, even if they didnt agree with me completely. Now, when you talk about the non-aggression principle, people will bring up nihilism, subjective values, and other flimflam. Boom.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 15:51:37 +0000

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