Lord, Teach Me Your WAYS It is the glory of God to CONCEAL A - TopicsExpress


Lord, Teach Me Your WAYS It is the glory of God to CONCEAL A MATTER but the honor of kings to SEARCH IT OUT.” Proverbs 25-2 Lord, You are infinitely wise and in control. It is You who chooses to conceal a matter and it is You who reveals a matter. It is you who controls the king’s heart and turns it whichever way you choose. It is you who can harden the heart, and you who gives a new heart. Like the king, so many times we attempt to “search it out”, whatever “it” may be. We are searching for the answer, the provision, the need to be met, the healing to take place, the child to return home... But You in all your glory deliberately choose to “ conceal the matter” for a moment… Why, I wonder? Is it to remind us that you are in control? We become frustrated because we don’t find the “it” we are looking for. Could it be that we are searching “it” more than You? It is certainly not because you want us to guess and stumble our way through. You promise to direct our steps and make our paths straight. Could it be that You want far more for us? The answer is a resounding YES. He wants to give us more of Himself. We could have a great ministry, a great job, say our prayers and do our devotionals, attend church with our family, outreach, etc., all in accordance with His will. We could love the perfect mate, but lose our first love. The greatest failure in life is to live a life in His will and utterly fail at knowing Him in the process. Resolve this day to search Him, and in doing so, He will give us more than we could ever imagine. He will give us more of Him. And at the right time, what He has chosen to conceal from you, He will reveal to you. In addition to all that, He assures us that it will also bring us honor.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 00:11:19 +0000

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