Low Self-Esteem... Controllable? I say yes. Yeah, youve been - TopicsExpress


Low Self-Esteem... Controllable? I say yes. Yeah, youve been called names and belittled, but the defining question is, do you agree with whats being said? If you agree and think thats all you have to offer the world, then no you will not be able to control your low self-esteem because you are too weak to overcome it or do anything about it. You are probably also not smart enough to analyze the people calling you these names. Who are they? What are they? Where are they in their lives? Are they miserable people trying to pull others down? Are they envious of you? Are they people who have accomplished nothing, yet need people to step on to feel better about themselves? Know what you bring to the table. What traits and accomplishments do you have that you are proud of? How do you treat others and what do they think of you? How smart are you and how do you as a whole, stack up against not only the ones that put you down, but against your peers? These are the real questions you should be asking yourself and the answers should tell you what type of person you are. And hopefully the answers point to a person who should be proud of themselves and have great self-esteem. Ive been called fat and a klutz a lot of my life. Growing up I believed it and had low self-esteem. I had a lot of crap happen in my life and I fought every day to prove others wrong about me. Then I took a counseling class for what was supposed to be an easy A at West Valley College when I was on the football team. What was supposed to be a super chill class, actually changed my life. I was a pissed off young Vietnamese who thought the world was against him. I learned to look at the world and my situations in different perspectives and I would choose the best perspective that would not only make me feel the least angry, but the most grateful and appreciative. I would choose to look at people and not react to their words, but try to understand why they would be throwing their malice at me. And once I understood them, their words would fall short and at my feet. If you allow others to affect you negatively, THEY can control your self-esteem and steer it low. If you allow yourself to feel proud of yourself, the things youve done, the person youve become... You can control your self-esteem and steer it high. Look at your friends... Do they love you? Do they respect you? I know mine do. Im a damn good person. I choose to look at what I’ve accomplished in my life, the philanthropy and community service. And there will be more to come and to be done. So I dont let people that dont matter, affect my emotions or my self-esteem. Why should you? #remembertheydontmatter
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 03:54:31 +0000

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