MAKING A PACT WITH SATAN Satan is referred to as the - TopicsExpress


MAKING A PACT WITH SATAN Satan is referred to as the ‘devil’. In his Magick in Theory and Practice, Crowley says that he treats the subject of ‘pacts with the devil’ ‘lightly’, but as usual he is too modest: his brief text on the subject goes very deeply into the whole issue of Magick, of which making pacts is one aspect. The most practical advice Crowley gives is that in order to communicate with the devil it is only necessary to call on him with your whole will ‘for the will of every man is in reality the whole will of the Universe’. We shall see what this means later. To Crowley (and to Magickians generally), homo est deus - Man is God. God is Unity. Unity is the will of every man and woman focussed on one objective. In other words, we can do anything, we will – bar accidents, and these are not ‘divine interventions or evil influences’ but simply the operation of bad luck! You miss the mark, you re-string your bow, and you let the arrow fly again. It is said that every multi-millionaire business person has failed in business at least once! The great Total Quality Management guru Suzuki said: without a target in sight, you cannot possibly hit one! This truism applies to everything in life! The true will is always one-pointed: one’s objectives are simple; they are dealt with one by one, each on its own terms, until the final objective is realised. Problems in life are broken down into their components; each of these becomes a single objective, which when achieved, realises the final plan. ‘There is success’: the universe appears to ‘fall into place’; in reality, it is the individual realising his/her own destiny. The ‘religions of the Book’ – Islam, Christianity and Judaism – have taught us ‘submission to god’. If god wills an individual to be rich, he will become rich. If not, the man will remain poor. Religion teaches us that poverty is the will of god. Magick does not posit the existence of gods, angels or demons. Instead, we may ask: what makes us fail in life? It is the Will divided against itself. This means that, for example, you might think: ‘it would be great to be rich’ but this ‘thinking’ is just wanting and wanting is not enough. What is needed is the practical application of your intelligence. It is the attention to detail that counts. Always check your progress: go for total quality! But there are internal, psychological blocks to be overcome even before your intelligence can be applied. These have been placed in your psyche from birth by the religions of the Book. You secretly believe that you will wait for god to very nicely grant you wealth when in fact, you can seize the day and take from the world whatever you want. The objective of Magick is to remove all self-doubt., guilt and subservience to the religious views that enslave you. Until these are removed, you will never be able to think clearly or practically enough to act on the world. The devil represents self-belief, freedom from religious subservience. To make a pact with the Devil is simply to view yourself as being worthy to enjoy the fruits of your labours and the abundance of the world which is there to be harvested. In order to reap the harvest, you must know, will, dare and keep silence (do not let others copy your business plan!). In short, you must believe in your self-worth. You must believe you are worthy of success. If you truly wish to make a pact with the devil, then, every day, look yourself in the mirror and say three times: “Man is God. I am worthy of success” Then look at the steps required to become successful; analyze the objectives attached to these steps, take these steps, and succeed! The real books on Magick are those on marketing! But first you need to re-programme your mind and release on the feelings of worthlessness that have been placed there by religion.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 06:25:46 +0000

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