MAYAN MESSAGE DAY 184 KAN 2 - TopicsExpress


MAYAN MESSAGE DAY 184 KAN 2 Observing Insects I am Kan 2. Thank you for joining with us this day. We are excited to be a part of the merging of Self and Spirit that is currently transpiring on Earth today. It is our greatest honor to assist you during this time of transition. Today we would like to encourage you to step outside and breathe fresh air. If you live in an area where the air is polluted, then make plans to get out of the city and into an area where trees and other plants are creating oxygen for you. While in Nature, stand in awe and witness the beauty of what surrounds you. Stare at the ground for a few moments and you will find that you are surrounded by tiny insects that you previously had not noticed. As you watch these tiny Beings, note their habit of continuing their work, paying no attention to you. If you provoke them, they will either defend themselves or run. They are great metaphors for you. At first, you did not notice they were there until you drew your attention to the ground. Once your awareness was turned to this tiny area, you began to notice new things. This is true every moment of your life. You will notice things where you place your attention. If you focus on negative things or all the bad things that could possibly happen, your experiences and conversations will reflect this. Those who focus on happy thoughts and outcomes are less likely to be burdened when sad or bad things occur. Since they regard life in general as good and happy, they will take bad situations and find the good in them, for they know there is good in all things. A second lesson we can learn from the insects is regarding their work activities. No matter if a huge Being such as a human is standing near them, they continue with their daily routines. They do not stop to engage you in idle chatter. They do not make demands or place judgments on you; they simply continue to be. How many times do you allow yourself to be distracted when others are nearby? Would you be able to keep your focus on what you desire to do? Do you feel the need to entertain or engage others who are in your vicinity? Another lesson we can learn from insects is how we react when others provoke us. Would you defend yourself or flee? Do you feel the need to defend your actions and choices? You may wish to take time to discover why you make this choice. Every choice you make is your business; there will always be some who agree with you and some who disagree with you. To be able to stand in courage with your decision without the need to defend yourself is a mark of maturity. Do you flee when confronted by others? There are times when fleeing or walking away is in your best interest. However, what often happens is people who are provoked become fearful and not able to stand in their truth. They are not comfortable standing up for themselves and choose instead to withdraw. If you find this is a habit of yours, you may choose to go within and look at why you allow others to intimidate you. Take time to know yourself and have the courage to become the person you wish to be. Learn to say “no” to requests that are not in your highest good. When others provoke you, learn when it is best to remove yourself from their presence or to speak your truth to them. There are many lessons that can be learned when one takes time to sit in Nature and observe. Set time aside often to relax in Nature and commune with these highly intelligent Beings. Have a day filled with wonder. We look forward to our next meeting. Selamet! Kan 2 ********************************************************************* MAYAN MESSAGE DAY 185 Chicchan 3 Block Busters I am Chicchan 3. Thank you for joining with us this day. We are truly grateful for each moment we have in which we are consciously connected. There are many ways we are connected, since energetically we are of the same Essence. When you are knowingly aware of us and desire to work together, there is a highly charged energy frequency that occurs between us. This is similar to an electrical conduit. When you have electric lights in your home, they are always hooked up to the same energy source as all the other electrical appliances in the building. When you decide to light up a room, you simply flip a switch and the energy flows through that conductor. It is much the same whenever you have an interaction with us or any other Being or experience. There is always the possibility for a myriad of choices to occur, yet it is the one you focus your mind on that will manifest. Thus, be mindful of what you wish to experience, for you have within you the power to make it so. There are often things that manifest in ways you do not desire, there are several reasons why this occurs. Since you live in a world with more than six billion persons, there will be times when you simply are a receiver of something that was not consciously intended specifically for you. If it is something that goes strongly against your paradigm, your Guides will send messages to assist you in avoiding being part of that scenario. It is up to you to be tuned into their frequency and to recognize and choose whether to follow their guidance. When there are natural disasters, accidents or people affecting others in unkind ways, you may be prompted to avoid going into the areas where these things will occur. By hooking in with your Higher Self and Guides, you will more likely heed their advice and remain safe. There are many who have lost their lives or suffered physically or emotionally because they did not listen to their inner voice. On a more personal level, when you turn on your connection with your Higher Self and Guides, the lights come on and the current flows, oftentimes bringing you the gifts and joy you desire. To allow the energy between you to flow freely, you must remove any blocks. When you have fear, negative thinking or disbelief, it is like having the light switch in the “off” position; the flow is blocked. When you release belief codes and habits that keep you in fear, it is similar to turning the switch into the “on” position. How can you keep the flow going? Go within daily and consciously make the changes necessary to overcome fears and unwanted habits. When you have thoughts that are detrimental to your goals, force yourself to literally think again. Continue doing this until the habit is changed. When you find yourself falling into habits you do not desire, stop and choose again. Although it may seem difficult to do, it really is simple, although it takes perseverance, courage and will power. You have the ability to make these changes within you and assistance from your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and those on Earth who have learned to support others unconditionally. Seek these Helpers and allow them to help you. Go forth with courage and create the life of your dreams! Selamet! Chicchan 3 ********************************************************************* MAYAN MESSAGE DAY 186 CIMI 4 E.T. Phone Home I am Cimi 4. Welcome to this grand and glorious day! Although at times your experience on Earth may not feel grand or glorious, when you can see what is happening from our vantage point, you will realize that indeed all is wonderful. Today we would like to share information regarding your star brothers. Some of you reading this may not believe that E.T.s and UFOs exist, although there are volumes of verified documentation regarding their existence. We do believe it is a bit naïve to think that in the expanse of the universe only one tiny section called, Earth, would house intelligent life forms. We know that some of you who do not believe in the existence of Star Beings will be turned off by these Messages. Yet we encourage you to continue to read them throughout the year, for there are many truths and tools that are of value to you. There is much talk regarding E.T.s and the roles they are playing. There are a growing number of people who have created the belief code that E.T.s will be coming to Earth to save humans from inevitable destruction. We are here to tell you that in essence, this is not true. Your only savior is you. You are fully responsible for what you choose every moment. When you place your hope on a savior, you give away your personal power. This is never a wise thing to do. There are many who have placed all bets on saviors, being irresponsible while waiting to be beamed up to safety. Now you find yourselves penniless, some having given up hope while others still fervently watch the skies. You are responsible for everything you experience while on Earth, including giving your personal power over to a hopeful dream. To live fully, enjoy each moment filled with love and gratitude, receiving and sharing the blessings bestowed upon you. These blessings are the result of your prayers, yet many do not recognize them as such. Repeatedly, we hear the prayers of those asking for abundance. Yet they block this abundance because they do not deem themselves worthy of it. Others have strong belief codes attached to money being the root of all evil. Others feel that it is saintly to give away their riches. Often, Lightworkers who have many talents will not accept payment for their services because it is a gift from Spirit. Yet you will pay top dollar for health services provided by professionals who many times create more problems than solutions. When you can see that everything you receive is a gift from Spirit, whether it is words of advice from another, the perfect nail you needed or an intuition, you will find that all things are valuable. Why do you feel that you cannot receive money for your services? Look deep within to find the roots that keep you from accepting money for your services. Returning to the subject of E.T.s, first we would like to mention that nearly every Being on Earth has lived elsewhere before this incarnation, so essentially each of you is an extra-terrestrial. As a result of sci-fi horror movies, books, negative encounters and such, the term E.T. stirs feelings of uneasiness in most people. You are One with the entire universe, all coming from the same Source. To get past the negative connotations associated with the term “E.T.,” we will refer to them as your star brothers, although some are female and most are androgynous. Earth was created by a huge group of conscious Beings, including the group that is the Earth herself. Before Earth was formed, there was life on other planets that had been in existence for billions of years. When a group decided they wanted to try a new experiment, they began to have meetings to create this Realm. Most of the parameters for this galaxy were already in place in other galaxies, however, the combination of parameters on Earth is unique. One of the rules was that upon entry, one would temporarily lose memory of his Spiritual roots. This was necessary to have the experience of Not-Love. It was decided that the inhabitants could go as far into Not-Love as they chose until a specified period of time, which is now ending. It was also determined there would be little to no intervention from other Dimensions, unless there was danger to the fabric of the galaxy, such as nuclear warheads. There have been many negative experiments carried out by your star brothers. These experiments were allowed; the humans involved contracted to be a part before incarnating on Earth. In many cases, these memories were erased so as not to interfere with the human’s daily life. Often the person in human form did not remember the experience, yet the memories were stored in their subconscious and physical body. As is the case in all experiments, learning comes from doing and observing. Thus, there was no malice intended and there were legitimate reasons for each experiment that occurred. There have been some star brothers who have done things maliciously, with the intention to cause rifts or to gain power over others. Your star brothers who came to this Earth also have free will choices and were allowed to do much of what they wished as long as they followed the rules of this galaxy. As the Earth increases her vibration, there is an incompatibility with those who have unkind intentions. Whether these Beings are incarnated on Earth or living on spaceships, their ability to wreak havoc is rapidly declining. Intentions based on acts of unkindness have a low vibrational frequency. As the earth’s frequency ascends, a chasm occurs between the two frequencies. As the number of those with the ability to raise their vibrational frequency increases, it becomes difficult for those with lower frequencies to resonate. What happens is that the lower frequencies become scrambled as the higher frequencies gain strength. As a result, you will see many who prefer to experience the lower frequencies begin to lose their power, their health and often their lives. There will come a tipping point in which the light once again becomes stronger than the dark. This was how the Earth was in its initial state. The slate will be wiped clean as humans once again reside in the Garden of Eden and continue to make choices based on higher frequencies. This is not the first time this has happened. Your world runs in cycles, each round having similar, yet different parameters. The cycle you are entering allows full remembrance of your Spirit Self while remaining embodied in human form. There are other galaxies where this is also occurring. There are also Beings who are highly evolved living within the crust of the Earth. Many humans have communicated with these Beings and each looks forward to the day when they can walk amongst each other in harmony. There are some conscious Beings who will choose to leave this Realm and return to other planets. These are the ones who will gain admittance to the spaceships, never to be seen on Earth again. Those piloting these ships are not your saviors, they are your brothers who are here as an answer to your prayers. Be not afraid when you encounter your star brothers. However, be warned that some do exist that are in sheep’s clothing. There are many humans like this, posing as your friends but having underlying motives to swindle you. None of them have the power to steal your soul, but they can convince you to follow their leadership. If you have worked through the belief codes that keep you blocked from direct communication with your Higher Self, you will never be deceived. You will have direct access to the Akashic Records and knowledge of all that is. Those of lower frequencies prey on those who are gullible and live with victim tendencies. Many of the experiences that those with unkind motives have set up are now crumbling. One thing they did not count on was the availability of the internet to expose their deeds to the masses in such a consistent and timely manner. No longer can they blackmail and kill all of those who would expose them, for the numbers of whistleblowers are too great and the information too readily available. The End Times are simply the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. There will be no need to seek a savior. If you realized this new world is your creation, how would you act? What would you choose to occur in this utopian society? Visualize the world you wish to live in, then every moment act as though it were already so. You will be amazed how quickly your thoughts will manifest your dreams. In order to do so, you must release the fears and belief codes that enable you to stay in a state of powerlessness. Face your fears, challenge your belief codes and live the life of your dreams. If you do not like the systems you as a people have set up, take steps to transform them. If you do not like the things people say or do, release your attachment to them. Everything you say or do is in your control. Take responsibility for your actions and choose thoughts that pave the path for what you desire. Know that greed and control over others will no longer be compatible with the earth’s frequencies. If these are things you desire, know that you will be separated from those who wish to continue in the lower frequencies when the time comes for the ascension. We would also like to say that when we use the word ascension we are referring to increased vibrational frequencies. In no way do we judge those who prefer lower frequencies, for everyone is simply choosing what they wish to experience before returning to Source. Do not be concerned about saving souls; no soul is in danger of being lost. However, share your knowledge with those who are interested in what you say and perhaps they will raise their frequency and be able to join you when the rift occurs.. Many Lightworkers will choose to physically remain with those of the lower frequencies to Guide those who choose to learn how to increase their ability to love and ascend while in physical form. Many of you who resonate at higher frequencies will be able to move to the Other Side and maintain contact with those of the lower frequencies who physically remain on the Earth. Embrace your star brothers. Love all, no matter what Path they are walking, for in loving your enemy you increase your vibrational level and heighten your opportunity to dwell in Paradise. Feel gratitude for every experience and be willing to receive and share all gifts bestowed upon you, no matter how small or how grand they appear to b Selamet! Cimi 4
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 08:51:07 +0000

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