MBAISE COMMUNITY PREAMBLE TO OUR CONSTITUTION (THE SPIRIT OF THE MBAISE COMMUNITY WHEREAS Mbaise is a microcosm of the larger Nigerian family, and whereas she shares in the trials and tribulations of contemporary Nigeria; WHEREAS our Community is underdeveloped and lacks the wherewithal to execute our laudable programme of self-development, and whereas we are desirous to evolve for our people a platform which must be selflessly dedicated to the service of our people and serve as a bulwark for community development and progress; WHEREAS as a people, it behoves us to defend and promote our cultural heritage as a means of sustaining our collective identity; CONSIDERING the image people ascribe to Mbaise as a people; PERTURBED that our peoples survival is threatened by extreme mass poverty in the midst of plenty, in a country endowed with bountiful human and natural resources, and within the context of vast human population occupying a small land mass, and where as there is an ever-growing population of uneducated and jobless persons which constitute a burden; KNOWING that an articulate and systematic population management programme has become imperative in our present circumstances; and believing that intensive and sustained mass education and enlightenment campaign are part of the strategies to debunk obsolete notions, beliefs and practices of our people; CONSIDERING that our people still cherish and are committed to the sustenance of our culture and moral values of honesty, justice, truth and of live-and-let-live, and whereas it is meant that those on whom the responsibility rests to preserve these values must be men and women of nobility and integrity WHEREAS we are minded to fan the embers of good and accountable leadership which does not compromise our people’s welfare and which respects and reckons with our people’s sensibilities, interests, hopes and aspirations; and whereas our people still accept the traditional institution as their own desire to make it worthy of its prestige; BELIEVING that Mbaise is our great heritage; EMBOLDENED that Mbaise is our great inheritance; and further STRENGTHENED that Mbasie is a noble place and that we make no apologies for whom we are; KNOWING that it is our individual and collective efforts that can bring honour and respect to Mbaise; and believing that it is a point of duty for every patriotic and well-meaning son and daughter of Mbaise to hearken to the clarion call for rededication of personal and collective endeavours toward elevating Mbaise culturally, politically and economically; HAVING gathered, firmly and solemnly resolved to make our utmost patriotic input into the promotion of co-operation and solidarity among our people, to improve the welfare of our toiling and hardworking people, and to enhance peace and understanding on the basis of justice and fair play with a view to furthering the ends of progress and development in our communities; HAVING undertaken and imposed upon ourselves the patriotic and historical vanguard role of harnessing the potentials of our people toward a renewed consciousness for the realisation of our collective aspiration of progress and development; HAVING resolved to deploy all the patriotic zest and youthful energy at our disposal for the service of our people and upliftment of our community; NOW, therefore we the concerned professionals, dynamic patriots and young intellectuals of Mbaise origin, under the aegis of the MBAISE PEOPLE’S CONGRESS (MPC), a non-government, non-profit-making and non partisan socio-cultural organisation, do hereby make, and give to ourselves the following constitution. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The aims and objectives of Mbaise community shall be: a. To provide a forum for interaction among our people for the promotion of sustainable development. b. To promote co-operation and solidarity among our people, to work for their welfare and enhance peace, unity and understanding founded on justice and to further the ends of progress and development. c. To create a medium through which we could place our ideas and services at the disposal of our people. d. To establish a channel of communication with our people and between our people and our neighbours in order to encourage peaceful neighbourliness and co-existence. e. To pursue those means that will enhance and promote our cultural heritage and sustain our collective identity and inheritance on a pan Mbaise level. f. To act as our people’s conscience and dedicate ourselves in any way that will portray Mbaise in a deserved positive light among all men. And strive relentlessly to ensure that Mbaise is given the respect and honour she deserves.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 08:58:16 +0000

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