MOSHIACH TOOL AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BOX EDITORIAL FROM A JEWISH PERSPECTIVE BY Paul Melvin Detmer Being in my 65th year, having been in the Holy Land on various occasions and an ardent student of TaNaK, I often have wondered just where this current “peace process” is leading us. I would like to believe it is going to lead us to use the tool at the bottom of the box. I am sure we all are familiar with that tool. It is there every time we go to the toolbox for a wrench, screwdriver, or whatever, and there it is. We have thought about tossing it out. This is only because we have never had the exact occasion that demands it’s use. Besides, the job for which we would use it, we would rather pay someone else to do. It’s like a pipe wrench. We would rather pay the plumber to do that kind of work, than crawl under the house with the possibility of meeting some strange, creepy crawler. However no plumber available, the kids and the wife needing a bath, not to mention that cup of coffee we’ve been missing, we grab that tool and down we go, necessity and practicality overriding our unwillingness to condescend. We have all been told about Moshiach, Messiah if you will, who, like Joseph, Moses, or David, will be there when the time is right. Well, how about now? Frankly I am getting tired of all the killing and wars to keep this Jewish State thing afloat. Is there someone who understands our perceived enemies and us, who can pull it altogether? Down through history, our efforts to fill the hole with the hill always seem to come around and bite us in the proverbial toosh. Our problem lies between the hole being secularism and the hill being religion. We seem to want a little of one or a little of the other, vacillating between the two, as we perceive our personal, or in this case, our national advantage. If the religious amongst us have a Moshiach, then ante up. It is high time. If not, then those more internationally minded had better prevail and settle for the state the way Kerry, the world and the UN has set the guidelines. We are not a collective Messiah, contrary to some of the religious ideas tossed about. TaNaK is clear that it is one man with good counsel that will bring peace between the Sons of Isaac and the Sons of Ishmael in one state under HaShem. It is my opinion that Messiah will not be that religious. Let’s face it, King David was not. Neither was Moses until after the giving of Torah. Yet, these are the examples, along with Joseph, that delivered us. Joseph did so without out killing anyone, by the way! The religious among us are too corralled off from a realistic understanding of the world. We need a man with logic and the ability to speak from sound reasoning, the TaNaK and yes,… the Quran, if need be, combined with a mind for leadership and direction, having his own particular link with HaShem, again as Joseph, Moses, and David. Got any takers? He is there,… at the bottom of the box,… and will be obviously the only tool to get the job done, having something to offer that we all will value. However, again, as usual and depressingly so, knowing our history, we will have to exhaust all other options before we listen, being the supposed ‘chosen” with all the answers in our most noble ranks, at least as we perceive ourselves. Perhaps, as TaNaK says, we have never repented to understand real truth, and since the days or our return under Cyrus, King of Persia, our half secular-religious approach has been the problem all along. If this is the time of our redemption, let us be prepared to show repentance by listening and accepting that sound reasoning and counsel when it comes, not repeating the failures of our fathers and our current ones in this hodge-podge called Zionism. May it be so soon. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 15:29:46 +0000

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