MOTHERS NAME, REPETITION OF MOTHERS NAME AND CALLING HER December 23, 1980 Mothers name as word and sound is very powerful. Repetition of Her name is known to relieve devotees of their problems, answer their prayers and even evoke a personal response from Her. Repetition can be verbal, mental or taken to the heart center, each being more powerful than the previous one. When the repetition by the devotee turns into self-repetition by something inside, the power begins to spread all over the being. Sometimes it is felt spreading all over the nerves and the body. As long as the devotee takes effort to repeat, the power generated is enough to relieve a problem or answer a prayer in mind. The moment the repetition is taken over by the thing inside, problem-solving and prayer-answering becomes a part and greater spiritual energy is generated and it begins to fill the being. This is a conducive state for one to strengthen his concentration or any other spiritual faculty. The same can be done somewhat differently too, if one is so inclined. One can start concentrating on oneself and keep pushing the center of concentration deeper and deeper as far as it can go. It may stop at any one center like mental, vital, etc. It may begin to deepen its hold in the center where it has stopped. At any given moment each man has a deepest possible concentration and that has a corresponding center. It is possible for one to reach there. When the repetition is made from there, it turns into a CALL. One can see the whole being responds to the call with a gentle inner movement. Mother too can be felt entering the Being and filling the whole being with force and joy. This can be kept up for hours or days. Normally in about a weeks intense calling one will be able to see that he is in a different world. If he is one beset with a host of insoluble problems, he would find all of them giving way. If he is one who has no known life problems, all his psychological deficiencies will open to the force and lend themselves to dissolution. From that time onwards it is only a matter of time for them to disappear. If he is one not endowed with such deficiencies too, he can find or even actually feel that his parts of being are filled with new forces and capacities and talents are being shaped. At a very high level of perfection in ones consciousness, such a call gives birth to god-like powers into ones being. It is then we say that such and such a god is born in him.
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 06:10:26 +0000

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