MS: Excalibur was another experiment? Why was he - TopicsExpress


MS: Excalibur was another experiment? Why was he murdered? Teresa Romero, the first person with Ebola contaminated outside Africa does not have the virus. Health status improves Encouraging news on the front of the fight against the epidemic of Ebola. Spanish nurse, Teresa Romero, who was the first person outside the African continent contaminated, does not have the virus in the body. At least it did indicate test Sunday. Teresa Romero, aged 44, admitted on October 6 Hospital Carlos III in Madrid, Sunday was subjected to a new test. This results in negative, said ministerial committee tasked with monitoring the threat that this virus shows in Spain. Romero will be subjected to a new trial in the next few hours, said the committee, adding that the health of the patient (...) get better. Teresa Romero, nurse Hospital Carlos III, became the first person to October 6th contracted Ebola virus outside Africa. She developed the first symptoms on September 29 after two missionaries treated Ebola hemorrhagic fever have been repatriated that on 8 August and 22 September and died several days later. On the other hand, the hospital in Dallas, where he died patient zero in the United States, admitted that he correctly diagnosed the symptoms of Thomas Eric Duncan and published a letter of apology. In North Carolina took place in the weekend, a memorial service for Liberian Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person infected with the virus ebola in the United States, who died on October 8. At midnight on Sunday ended the quarantine period of 21 days, for those who came into contact with one who would be called patient zero. Dozens of people were monitored and life partner of Duncan, son of 13 years and two people were strictly quarantined under guard at a secret address in Dallas. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief now. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases: He came to the hospital and started a new period when they infected two nurses. So there is a new risk group to be monitored.. The two nurses infected, Nina Pham and Amber Vinson, are still under treatment, but in hospitals outside Dallas. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases: Protocol (care of patients with Ebola) will be completed soon. Clearly, however, the entire body must be covered. No portion of skin should not be exposed. A laboratory at the hospital in Dallas where he was admitted patient zero was tested negative after cruise embarks on which returned Sunday from Texas Galveston port. She spent all weekend in her cabin isolated for fear that they could become infected when handling biological samples from Thomas Duncan. Fortunately, fears were not realized. Ebola has killed at least 4,555 people of the 9,216 cases recorded in seven countries (Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Nigeria, Senegal, Spain and the USA), according to the latest balance sheet of the World Health Organization (W.H.O)
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 06:31:40 +0000

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