MSNBC Really? He’s done it again. MSNBC host Ed Schultz, - TopicsExpress


MSNBC Really? He’s done it again. MSNBC host Ed Schultz, who’s no stranger to giving inappropriate remarks on air, blasted Christian conservatives for opposing ObamaCare, calling them “phony” and stating that the healthcare law is “the most moral thing this country has ever done”. “This is good for America and I won’t let them lie,” Mr. Schultz said…“They’re phony Christians. Phony Christians when they say that they are Christian but then they want to take away from their next-door neighbor. They don’t want to be their brother’s keeper. “A growing number of right-wing Christians are coming out day after day as a Christian,” he said. “I think I have the right to expose their hypocrisy and call them out for all the things they are saying wrong and how misguided they are.” Mr. Schultz explained that the Affordable Care Act saves lives by requiring individuals to have healthcare coverage. He stated that “it is a fact” that Americans and “Children of God” will die if ObamaCare is repealed. There are several ways to nullify Schultz’s argument, but I’ll give two: From a religious standpoint – While the Bible does not specifically command Christians to be their “brother’s keeper”, through the story of Cain and Abel and many other verses, it does call Christians to show love through actions such as “serving one another” and “being hospitable”. However, it also says not to judge or condemn others. Ed Schultz is not God, after all. Who is he to think he knows better than everyone else, and to call their faith ‘phony’ just because they don’t agree with him? From a political standpoint – Come on, Ed. Is ObamaCare really more moral than when our country ended racial segregation or defeated the Nazis? Is the law being moral by leaving future generations with a sluggish, debt-ridden economy and government? Also, unless Schultz can see the future, it is not a fact that ObamaCare will save every person in America by requiring them to have health insurance. In fact, many are planning to ignore the individual mandate, citing that it will be cheaper to just pay the fees.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 19:45:31 +0000

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