MUST READ!!! ALL BAMA FANS!!! ESPECIALLY IF YOURE A BAMA FAN INVOLVED IN THE TIDE FOR TROOPS CONTEST FROM LAST WEEK 9/13!!! #BamaNation ALL CALL!!! All, we were SO happy to announce Saturday that US Marine Matt Moody and his wife Lauren Price-Moody won the T4T contest but the runner up SGTTony Tran, US Army and his wife Ericha Tran would get to go also courtesy of the donation of a pair of tickets from one Pamela Cosby (known as peej27 and @bama4life2765 on Twitter and Pamela Wisener Cosby on Facebook). BUT the thing is BamaNation/FB Fam, there are no tickets. Yes, Pamela Cosby lied to me, to Ericha, to Lauren but most of all to Tony. A man thats a SGT in the Army serving in Afghanistan whose only wish when he came home was to go to a Bama game. The TAMU/BAMA most of all. My question to her is: How could you be so heartless as to lie to a SOLDIER in the military that serves and protects us?!? I mean are you really that cruel to do that to a man that serves in our ARMY?!? Like SERIOUSLY?!? I can & will copy over the ENTIRE DM we had on Twitter where you offered the tickets on 9/11 (BTW, I saved it EVERY day we DMd so please, stop trying to delete your later comments & dont even try to deny anything. Plus we have your messages, tweets and texts with Lauren and Ericha) I asked you were you sure and even gave you 2 chances to opt out if you wanted to but you swore up and down you wanted to send the tickets and donate them to one of our military Bama boys on behalf of 9/11. I did a check on you and found you to be very well known among the Twitter BamaNation and very active so I took a chance that you MIGHT follow through To give you a quarter and a half credit, I think you INTENDED to send them MAYBE. But once you saw my wall, viewed my pics and read some of my posts you probably changed your mind. See you forget we can see what YOU post too and more than a few are straight up bigoted and borderline racist. You definitely are NOT representative of the #BamaNation I know in any way, shape or form! REAL Bama fans dont lie to our soldiers, ignore the wives when they ask about the tickets and then try to hide when they get found out. You can try and hide all you want to but I personally will make it my MISSION to make sure EVERY fan of Alabama Football knows what and who you are AND what you did. I am hoping that the rest of #BamaNation, once they read this, will treat you EXACTLY like you treated our SGT: IGNORE you! The words I want to use to address you are not for use in polite society/public company but TRUST you WILL see them in private! You can bank on that! ;) Now BamaNation, we need to get this man to the TAMU/BAMA game since PAMELA COSBY straight up lied & pulled the old okey doke so I am personally asking that if anyone has a pair of tickets to the TAMU/BAMA theyd like to donate due to not attending themselves, would like to contribute to a fund weve started to purchase tickets for he and Ericha and/or can somehow get this story to The University of Alabama , University of Alabama Athletics and the University Of Alabama Football department so we can help this soldier get to that game, please message me!! We do NOT want Tony buying his own tickets when we promised him we had tickets for him already. Since we cant help that faux Alabama fan Pamela Cosby lied, we still want to get him tickets so BOTH our Marine and our Army Bama Military men make it that game! Matt has won tickets but he and Lauren want to meet Tony & Ericha and we had plans to all meet up before the game and honor them ourselves from #BamaNation. We will donate but we need help here! I know everyone is feeling the pinch of the economy but with all our soldiers and their families sacrifice and do for us, we cant NOT do this for them! If 100 Alabama fans donated a $1 thats $100 right there! Come on #BamaNation, this is one true, born and bred Crimson, T-Town native, former unofficial Bama Ball Girl during summer practice, sat on Bear Bryants lap, watched the TIDE since the age of 3, have never loved a team as much as I love Alabama, will FOREVER love the CRIMSON TIDE fan asking for your help! You can hate, like, love, dislike, disapprove of ME all you want to, Im not asking you to do this for ME. I am asking you to do this for our TROOPS! There is no way in HELL the #BamaNation I know would EVER let a soldier pay for his own tickets with all the sacrifices hes made! NO WAY! So who is with me? Who wants to show what the REAL #BamaNation is about and give a big fat middle finger to Pamela Cosby for disrespecting a member of our military, especially a BAMA fan, with such cruelty & deceit? If you are give me a shout out and a HUGE ROLL TIDE ROLL!! We are ALL #BuiltByBama ! Sonya N & Jason Menssen (Team Menssen, First Couple of Sports) Message me to make online donations to the Tony Tran Ticket Fund! Send me a message with your email address and donation amount. I will then send you the link. That way there is a record of ALL donations and we avoid the fees associated with find raising websites. ALL money will be used for the purchase of 2 tickets for Tony and his wife. The rest will be donated to Tide for Troopss! All donations will be made public before the game so all funds are accounted for and all Donators know that EVERY dollar went to the intended recipient!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 23:38:14 +0000

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