MY 14 DOS & DONTS IN NETWORK MKTG READ AND DIGEST!:):):) 1. No - TopicsExpress


MY 14 DOS & DONTS IN NETWORK MKTG READ AND DIGEST!:):):) 1. No quitting mentality – You need to decide that no matter how hard it gets, you are going to make this work one way or another. You must also believe that it WILL work and you will NOT quit even if hard times come along, as it does in every business. 2. You can’t please everyone- Expect that there will be people who will not agree with you and what you are doing 3. It’s not going to be glamourous at the beginning – You need to WORK for what you want… it won’t come magically. Not everyone is going to say YES and you will be spending a lot of time attending trainings and overcoming certain challenges, but once you get the hang of it, it will get easier. 4. You can’t have shame – You need to be PROUD of what you represent. If you aren’t, why would they want to join you or represent the same thing that you do? 5. You may have friends misunderstand your objectives - Work on how you come across and how you convey your message. 6. You can’t take everything personally – If you do, you’d not get through the first year. People may not understand why you are so passionate now, but they will later once you make something of it. 7. You cannot place your future in someone else’s hands – People who say no are not the ones who control your destiny, you do! 8. Don’t count beans – It’s going to cost money to maintain your business, but not a lot compared to other businesses 9. Please don’t be offended but this can’t be put in a better way, you have to grow some balls – You can’t be scared or wimpy when it comes to presenting… You have to build your confidence one way or another. Learn it, practice it, believe it. 10. Keep your eye on the prize and don’t expect to get it if you aren’t putting the work into it 11. Be willing to learn – Never be too proud to learn from others. This business is unlike anything else you have done. 12. Consistently challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone - Once you do this, it will be comfortable, so you must find NEW things to stretch your boundaries at all times. 13. Consistently be influenced by people who are better than you in the industry - You might want to hang out with your friends all day, but they cannot help you to excel professionally and you will not become better that way. 14. Know that it will ALL BE WORTH IT…
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 09:48:35 +0000

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