MY CANDID ADVICE FOR THE YOUTH: Many come to our office for - TopicsExpress


MY CANDID ADVICE FOR THE YOUTH: Many come to our office for counselling and many calls me also and I hear something like “Pastor, Iam 45years, no job and no partner for me to marry”. Most of these calls are from ladies and it’s really pains me to see how so many lives and destines are wasting away. You will hear some people saying that “ I have waited for Government work since they graduated but no work yet. Whenever people call me and gives me the above complain they always happy with my response and I would like to give my candid advice to the youth with the same complains. When someone says “NO WORK” or “IAM NOT WORKING” or “THERE IS NO WORK TO DO”. That is the language of a fool. The bible says that IT IS ONLY A FOOL THAT WILL SAY THAT THERE IS LION ON THE WAY. The bible even says that A LAZY MAN SHOULD NOT BE GIVING FOOD” . Robert Schuller says “NOBODY HAS MONEY PROBLEM, BU AN IDEA PROBLEM” My dear, stop complaining about “no job or no work”. Stop looking up to your government for job, STOP LOOKING FOR JOB, ASK GOD FOR AN IDEA TO CREATE ONE. You may not believe it that THERE IS NO JOB, YOUR GOVERNMENT HAS NO PLAN FOR JOB FOR YOU. It is a bitter truth. It really pained me to see graduates telling me that PASTOR, I GRADUATED SINCE 2007 AND I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR JOB SINCE THEN, PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. Graduate since 2007? Doing nothing since then? Some are even being looking for jobs for longer years. I think one of the problems of the youth is that MANY OF THEM WANT TO BE EMPLOYED RATHER THAN BE AN EMPLOYER. Many lacked focus and no vision for their future that is why it seems they had no plan. Sisters, hear me today, Have a dominion mentality and refuse to let your employment circumstances to frustrate your destiny. A lady came to my office and she complained that “she has no job and no brother is interested to marry her”. I laughed when she was talking and she asked me Pastor, why are you laughing. I asked her if she is a graduate. She said she graduated 3 years back and she has been looking for job ever since. I told her that I laughed because you got it all wrong as she believe that is her solution. I told her that MEN ALSO AE NOT LOOKING FOR A LIABILITY LADY. I asked her of her dream future and she told me that she want to own a boutique in the future but NO MONEY FOR NOW. “NO BODY HAS MONEY PROBLEM BUT AN IDEA PROBLEM” I told her that her problem is not money BECAUSE MONEY IS ALL AROUND HER. I gave her one of my teaching CD titled “UNDERSTANDING MONEY”. I told her to look for any private school and to start teaching there and start saving part of her salary for 2 years for her to raise capital to start her business small. LITTLE IS MUCH WHEN GOD IS IN IT, Many people want to start big today and that is one of the reasons why many youths are wandering around. She obeyed and start saving a year and 5 months and the Lord touched one of her cousin to add to her saved capital. She went to Cotonou to buy used clothes and she sold it and it was successful and within six months; she is now going to Dubai for she shopping and for the glory of God she owns two successful boutique in Abuja now and she is driving her choice car and she did not have to pray before she get many suitors. She is planning for her marriage now. Make us of your time and make impact my dear Brothers and Sisters. STOP LOOKING FOR GOVERNMENT JOB AND CREATE JOB FOR YOUR SELF. There are many opportunities around you. Ask God to show you how to make good money rather than committing crime or fraud. Imaging a girl complained that she is jobless and she is holding Blackberry Z10 or Samsung Galaxy/ she should sell the phone and invest the money in trading. THERE ARE WORKS AROUND YOU TO DO. Stop saying that there is no work. Find something doing. EVERY GRADUATES CAN NT BE EMPLOYED, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE. Start small and create work and few years to come you will be employing others. Go for idea and stop waiting for job. Put your idea to work and execute it. Your mobile phone was someone idea, the facebook was someone idea, Google, Microsoft, ebay was some people idea. Create your own idea and rule your world. Many are getting married for wrong reasons today, MANY LADIES WANT TO GET MARRY SO THAT THEIR EDUCATION BURDEN WILL FALL ON THEIR HUSBAND AND NOT THERE PARENT. MANY LADIES WANT TO GET MARRY SO THAT THEY WILL HID UNDER THEIR HUSBAND SHADOW AND THEY WONT WORK OR STRUGGLING FOR JOB BUT THE MAN SHOULD DO THAT. Many ladies told forget their career but jumping into marriage. PLEASE I CHARGE YOU TO FACE YOUR WORLD AND RULE IT. THERE IS SUCCESS IN YOU AND CREATE EMPLOYMENT AND STOP LOOKING TO BE EMPLOYED RATHER BE AN EMPLOYER. Be blessed
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 21:38:56 +0000

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