MY CASABLANCA; HERE IN THE MIDDLE EAST Every day I am reminded - TopicsExpress


MY CASABLANCA; HERE IN THE MIDDLE EAST Every day I am reminded of the parallels between the movie, “Casablanca” with Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid and what I am doing here in the Middle East. The setting of the movie noted the conflicts during World War II: Russia, Libya, Egypt, Washington DC, Japan, Malaya, and Singapore. Today, we have our conflicts all around the world for sure and we have certainly have our refugees here in Dubai. The 1941 movie talked about all the high classed refugees trying to escape the conflicts of Europe. Today, Dubai seems to be the safe haven for the rich and well to do from all over the Middle East conflict states or countries. Since we have extremely nice winter weather were you can be out on the beach in January. Now in July/ August that is a different story. It is brutally hot for sure. At the Christian church service Pam and I attend there are usually 1,600 people divided between three services. We meet in a hotel convention center because we are growing so fast. Pam and I sit down near the front as you would say on the piano side of the auditorium. In Baptist tradition, that means, down front and to the left. This past week just those people within arm’s reach were from: Iran, New Zeeland, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, Zimbabwe, Australia, China, Korea, Jordan, Sudan, Iraq and Egypt. If I had more time I could keep adding names of countries. Many people tell stories of the struggles, bombings, and murders of their family members back home. This is quite a humbling experience and I wish I could solve the world’s problems. The nice thing about all this is I am doing all I humanly can. God does not ask for any more. In the movie Claude Raines as Captain Renault tells his men to, “Round up the usual suspects”. Here in Dubai, the same holds true. Society is controlled tightly here and you have to be careful of what you say and do, that you are not deported or put in prison on short notice. In the movie there was not time for a courtroom appearance and the same holds true today here. Captain Renault’s next most famous line from the movie was, “Everyone comes to Rick’s” and I can surely agree with that. It is in my nature to be friendly with anyone and everyone. When I enter a room I begin working it like a Louisiana politician asking everyone, “How is your Mama?” Great question to use because everyone, almost without exception, loves their mama and appreciates being asked how she is doing. Being in the oilfields of the Middle East I am a natural to walk around in my cowboy boots, and with my big gold belt buckle and speaking with some strange foreign accent. People love it for sure. The company I work for solves major problems for the oilfield and they appreciate my being here. Conflict in Europe is the central theme of the movie and it certainly is again today in 2014. Yesterday Pam and I were having lunch with a beautiful young friend from Ukraine. Next to me was a gentleman from Russia working in the oilfields of the world. Without a doubt I stated my position on what should happen in the Ukraine and I found resistance from both sides. Now I hope to be more diplomatic in my world event discussions. Nonetheless I will hold to my beliefs but will be polite and listen to the other people’s opinion. When the Indian proverb says, “Walk a mile in my: moccasins, shoes or sandals” I better understand where people are coming from. “The beginning of a beautiful friendship,” seems to describe my every relationship. Without knowing it would happen I have built a reputation of an honest man who is a joy to be around. This has come from some extremely important people in the communities and oilfields of the Middle East. Everyone from general managers to the people who sweep the floors, guard the buildings or wash cars. They honestly appreciate my heartfelt concern for them as human beings. Never do I want to disappoint anyone. It has happened and I regret that in every way. A good reputation is important to me. Am I were I should be at this juncture of life? Yes and I know this without a doubt and it hold true for my wife Pam as well. We are were God wants us to be for these days; in our modern day Casablanca. Am I Richard Blaine? No, I am Dale Newton, but like Humphrey Bogart, I am striving to make a difference in this world.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 16:13:13 +0000

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