MY CHILD; My child , come closer...listen .I am with you . Over - TopicsExpress


MY CHILD; My child , come closer...listen .I am with you . Over twenty centuries ago My holy Child walked among your forefathers .He spoke the truth . He healed the sick , raised people from the dead and spoke a truth so many preach . In the end , some freely chose to walk in his company . Others walked away from Him .Today , over twenty centuries later, you come before Me and ask that I journey with you My child , you are Blessed! Dear child , the weight of the world cannot be borne by any one person . Come to Me , oh child . Stand here in My company , close your eyes , fold you hands and Listen . with your heart and know that My Spirit whispers amid the silence of your heart . Listen .Be still and in that stillness know I am with you . There is no broken life I have ever turned away . My son died for you and what He brought out of divine justice is the mercy , forgiveness and reconciliation only He could bring to the whole human race . Come closer to me , My holy child . Come into the company of the angels and saints . be still , silent and listen in prayer . Listen , My child , and know I am with you now until the end of time . Child ,in this modern world people are told to be productive , effective and efficient . They are urged to succeed and build up their asset /liability ratio .My child , this is so far from the Gospel ! As your beloved Father, I urge you to turn away from these wordily desires and come back to Me . What i ask of you and all people is to draw closer to Me , My Holy Son and the Holy Spirit . Know you are a holy person living a sacred life and are worthy of the love only I can give . Draw closer to Me . rest in my company , You are a child of the universe with a life to be lived .. one hour , one day at a time .This life you possess is my gift to you , I strongly encourage you to take up the cross once borne by My son and journey forth . Imitate my son by being a person whose heart is on fire with faith, hope and love . Go through each unfolding day aware that every hour is a holy hour and every day a holy day and that al time is My time , I was . am now , and forever will be , since I create time . This lifetime I grant unto you is my invitation to you to go forth and spread the Good news of My only begotten Son Jesus Christ . Oh My dear and holy child , hear my invitation and go forth into the company of the saints and sinners . Go out and know I am with you through it all . You blessed with faith, knowledge , understanding and wisdom . My Holy Spirit permeates your thoughts , words and deeds . Again , I say to you , Listen and be still and know I am with you . Make time each day to pray . Know you are loved . Be aware that I am pleased with you precisely because holiness unto others . You speak in words everlasting ... words spoken with the great faith of strong heart of mind dedicated to truth . Go out into the world and bring hope to those in despair , renewal to those weighed down by burdensome worries and faith to those who doubt . Your life is held in the palm of my hand and is a life filled with blessings , grace and many gifts . Go forth and bring the Gospel unto your brothers and sisters . Then go off, and in silence be still ... and in that stillness , know I am the Lord your God and I am with you now and until the end of time .........
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 23:46:33 +0000

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