MY PERSONAL HOLY SPIRIT VS THE HOLY SPIRIT If truth depended on - TopicsExpress


MY PERSONAL HOLY SPIRIT VS THE HOLY SPIRIT If truth depended on individual views, if divine revelation is interpreted according to one’s taste, then we may never know God’s inner Life, we may never come to commune with the True God. If for instance God is interpreted by us according to our tastes, some will have him warlike, something like Zeus, who robs his people of Power through their worship, who never “negotiates” but imposes his will on all. Some will have him as a blind but loving father, who laughs in happiness as long as his people are comfortable no matter what sin they commit to have comfort or pleasure. Some will have him a God who is stern, but not to me; i.e. stern to others but loving to me only, striking down my foes and those I hate for no reason, but showing me his love. Some will enjoy him as a spy, who reveals to them the sins and crimes and inner thoughts of others, a kind of manipulative piety, where my holiness is measured by my ability to tell the other what evil his grandfather has done against him. Others who are even more creative in their imagination, will have him a little more detailed, adding even more attributes to him, or even changing his attributes from time to time. Saying he is this when I am happy, and that when I am sad. It begins to seem like God does not exist (and this is not true) or is unknown to man. However, this is not in the sense that one cannot know for certain that he exists, No, but in the sense that one has refused to receive Gods self-revelation as a gift; that one listens, not to the voice of God, but to his own personal noise; that one can no longer listen to God tell the story of his life, but from time to time one chips into the divine-story sets of scenes that please his imagination. That in place of the Holy Spirit acting in one and in All as community, one has a sort of personal holy spirit, whom he both questions, and also forces a reply upon, not the One who acts in an individual and in the Community; but the One who acts in the individuals compartmentalized spiritual world. It is no longer the individual who discerns what God is showing the entire Church through the direction of this “sense of Faith” of the entire Church, but an individual trying to steer the entire Church to the direction he himself perceives a spirit to be calling the Community, whether this “spirit” be his or not, it matters not to him, the community is in the right direction as long as she conforms to this “spirit” without which he turns and condemns his community. We need to re-identify with the Spirit of Christ guiding his Church, without this Spirit of communion we are misled, we cannot be holy, we cannot reach Christ. The Lord wills that we stick together for this is the only way this Spirit could come upon us. As the Apostles stayed together in waiting, and the One Spirit came in form of Fire spreading in tongues upon each of them, so too we are to remain united with the Church, that this Spirit may lead us individually into fuller communion with God in the community. Without this, we have no hope of salvation. I pray Gods blessing and peace upon you ! An excerpt from GabrielMary K.C Alimbas work on Catholicism and Truth. SHARE !
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 09:56:40 +0000

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