Make a wish my beautiful little girl. Wishes do come true, Yes I - TopicsExpress


Make a wish my beautiful little girl. Wishes do come true, Yes I know because ours did the day we had you Happy birthday to the world’s most amazing daughter! I cannot believe how the years have flown by.My little girl, oh how you have grown. I remember the late nights and early mornings. The sick days and the fun days. I still remember the day you were born as it was yesterday.,They say your life changes when you have a child. This could not be truer. Budah, the day you came into my life, the Ord blessed me with the greatest love possible I wanted to take this moment right now to tell you about something on my mind and in my heart. This year, 2014, is my revolution year, which means moving and shaking the world with every step, and not holding back. Not hanging onto fear. So I am telling you about something very important. You are so dear and special to me, and dear and special don’t even begin to cover what is in my soul. The thought of you brings tears to my eyes, just because of how meant to be it was for you to come to us. The angels definitely delivered you to our door, that is for sure! You are a true gift from heaven. I loved being your father, for sure, but being a single dad is pretty well also.. When your age hits double digits, was a very difficult transition for me. You were insistent that because you were getting older, that was too immature for you. I was crushed; not because it hurt me in someway. It reminded me how much you were growing up. Too fast for me, no matter how slow at times the years have gone.This year, I am used to calling myself Daddy , and having you call me that. I have grown accustomed to you wanting to do things yourself, without help, and am trying to not call you any babyish nicknames in public, nor show any displays of affection in front of your friends. But, this year starts the challenge for me with the tug between holding on and letting go. Hold on, because you are still my child, my baby, my little girl that I brought into the world. You are fragile, and vulnerable, and the world can be a dangerous place. Hold on, because life is difficult, your heart will get broken, you will have disappointments and fears and tragedy. I need to keep you close. LET go..(hmmmm alam mo na yung 1st let go na yun, doon sya masaya eh..) It is very hard to handle and manage that kind of heartache and pain. lalo na pag andito ka sa abroad... Since its your birthday, wag na natin pag usapan pa o alalahanin yun. alam ko naman, alam mo ibig ko sabihin. Let go, also , because you are becoming a young woman. You are a fantastic student. You have made me so proud in your short fourteen years of life so far, and there is so many more triumphs to go. You are capable, and confident, and determined to have whatever it is in this world that you desire. I know that no matter what obstacles may get in your way, you will always forge your own path and walk, and sometimes run, toward your destiny, whether that is five minutes of five days from home. I trust that you will know how to make those hard decisions as you grow older, and that you will be wise and balanced Today, I consider how difficult that balance is, between holding on and letting go. And, I know that I can all handle it. For at the base of all of this conflict, all of this cooperation, all of this holding on and letting go, is the deepest love I have ever encountered. My love for your new mom to be,, is truly deep and significant, but parental love even beats that. That love that we have for one another, the three of us, ah five pala kasama traviz and kimiks , is simply the fabric that will keep us all together. Through the triumph, tragedy, good, bad, joy and sorrow. It will help us to know when to let go, when to hold on, when to ask which it is time for. Chiarra Mae , my darling, angel. My heart swells with joy when I see all you have done. Tears brim in my eyes with a sense of pride. I could not be more proud of my beautiful angel. Happy birthday! I love you so much, my beloved daughter. I know that your life will be as sweet for you as you have made it for us. Remember always, my earth angel, how truly blessed I am to have you DADDY
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 03:32:19 +0000

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