Malaysia airlines flight 370. So the whole world is talking - TopicsExpress


Malaysia airlines flight 370. So the whole world is talking about the missing Malaysia airlines flight # 370. It is a mystery, and so sad for the families who do not know what has happened to their loved ones, and where they are or whether they are even alive. So far I have watched and learned the following facts. 1). The automatic reporting systems on the plane including the Transponders were turned off by somebody on the plane and not as a result of a crash. So that makes it sound like either Terrorism or a Hijacking for some purpose. And it could be the pilots, as the Co-pilot said a goodnight message just after the equipment was shut down. Weird that the Pilot had a flight simulator in his home too. How many people take their work home with them intentionally? Do race car drivers have car simulators at home? I doubt it. 2) at least 2 people on board are travelling on stolen passports, Italian and Austrian, and their tickets were paid for by an Iranian. One is an 18 year old male. 3). Even though the reporting equipment was expertly turned off, an antenna still reports the plane location and identification numbers to a Satellite and it did so for at least 7 hours after the flight started. Now they say it would continue signalling until the electronics were switched off, and so it could have been parked on land during that time. 4). From satellite and radar records, they know it made a sharp 180 turn west and towards the Indian Ocean after flying for about and hour, so it could have flown another 6 hours and at 500 mph that is 3,000 miles. That is over India and Pakistan and Afghanistan etc. 5). They know there was an engineer with Airplane knowledge on board. 6). They are saying the plane flew up to its height limits of 45,000 feet and at that altitude the passengers would pass out and maybe die, certainly become subdued by lack of air. Then it nose dived at speeds up to 700 mph pushing the limit of control and disintegrating. But again so signs of a crash (that would automatically trigger the disabled Transponders). Now my personal opinion. If it was an act of Terrorism then why no claim from the group who took it, UNLESS it is a dry run for another event or the current event is still happening, like using the plane as a missile and taking it somewhere important to crash it (not over open empty water)? If it had crashed as an accident, then why no wreckage and the deviation from flight path? The Chinese did try and say they had satellite images (very unclear and blurry) and so was that a red herring? Are they negotiating with the hijackers for the lives of their 100+ citizens? If it was stolen for some reason, then it would likely be on the ground somewhere and be being hidden, or could be refitted and refueled for another purpose. Was there somebody important on board, and I dont mean a Kung-Fu movie star actor, involved in espionage or with some knowledge (nuclear or similar) that they wanted. Or was there special cargo that was being grabbed, although they say they have discounted that. But you start to wonder who to believe. Not meaning to profile or be racist against anybody or any religion, but both the pilot and co-pilot and the engineer all have Arabic names. And the 2 illegal passengers are linked to Iran. That is 5 potential suspects for me. Maybe the plane is sitting at Tehran Airport. Whatever the outcome, I hope and pray it is a good one for the passengers, and if not that they died quickly and their families will find out and soon, so they can grieve instead of this nightmare waiting game they are currently living through. Anybody else got any more news I missed, or thoughts and theories?
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 17:20:12 +0000

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