Man has been taught WHAT TO BELIEVE. Believing in anything or - TopicsExpress


Man has been taught WHAT TO BELIEVE. Believing in anything or everything is not LEARNING,simply remembering SHIT you never understood. We are indeed LEARNING how to [ TEACH OURSELVES] real understanding. You dont have to UNLEARN ANYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING. Once you begin to truly UNDERSTAND ANYTHING you then see patterns in REALITY that relates to all EXISTENCE. There is an inner guideline to all manners and forms of understanding. However you must learn to trust your own conscious Mind and its Consciousness.. For the very purpose of human existence has literally ZERO to do with our ideas and beliefs about some imaginary gods and devils. These terms are symbols , which are merely mental constructs which only represents VALUES associated with conscious responsibility and VALUE FULFILLMENT. I have heard it said and read in books that we are, everyone of US, Co-Creators who are meant to learn the [ LESSONS ] of conscious responsibility of any and every individuated conscious identity. We are learning, I have learned how to become gods as we currently understand the term. Few people have sufficiently thought and contemplated about the GOD-CONCEPT as it is meant to shine ILLUMINATION on the meaning and purpose of reincarnational human existences, nor why Civilizations are an absolute necessity in the SELF-ACTUALIZATION PROCESS in the eternal order of progression of the PSYCHIC EVOLUTION of all consciousness, and particularly our own human consciousnesses. We are actually all in a COSMIC-GRADE SCHOOL HERE ON EARTH FOR [ i.e., infant-gods ] who are meant to learn and master THE GREAT ART OF IDEA CONSTRUCTION. There can be 7-Billion Different Stupid Opinions on earth plus more insane conceptions, about the purpose and meaning of why each human personality was born and incarnated. But it is COSMICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for there to actually truly be that many different reasons. To believe that, is gross ridiculous idiocy. I spit on Philosophers and Dogmatic Religious Dirty Rotten Imbeciles. I know instinctively, and even intuitively these notions borders upon the ludicrous. I was born with a MIND. I am insolent and insistent on this issue. I dont give a DAMN ABOUT ANY RELIGION OR No damn sick stupid CIVILIZATION on earth, which does not serve the well-being of all human beings truthfully. Every thing in existence has a right to do more than merely survive here on earth. Each human individual and every living creature are meant to THRIVE ON EARTH to fulfill all of its abilities and all of its capacities to the utmost possible extent. We are all meant to have FULL FREEDOM to use and exercise our Divine Free Will, under the auspices of the ONE GREAT LAW OF CREATIVE THOUGHT. It is for this purpose every human been has ever been born. - JPC.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 15:25:50 +0000

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