Many people ask me how I came up with the idea of this film. As - TopicsExpress


Many people ask me how I came up with the idea of this film. As you might know there is a recession and economic hardship that affects the Greek people for the last 5 years. This is not localized just in Greece, it actually effects a number of European Union nations including Italy, Spain, Ireland and Portugal and possibly a lot more nations beyond the European Union. One day I was talking on the phone about these economical issues with a friend who lives in Athens Greece and experiencing the effects first hand and we were wondering how long this will take till we see some kind of aggressive reaction. I pointed out that these people who either lost their jobs, cant feed themselves or the families, are overtaxed or denied the basics a modern state should be able to offer, will soon start to act like the cats in a Greek outdoor taverna. Now if youve never been in an outdoor Greek taverna a warm summer night you might not know what Im talking about, but it is common to see a number of street cats circling the taverna tables. Over the years these cats have learned to depend on the food offered to them by the taverna patrons and gather around the tables begging to be fed or grab what falls off the tables by accident. As long there is food falling or thrown to them the cats stay at the ground level happy and eat what is offered to them but when people stop feeding them they start to become eery and their behavior changes to a more aggressive nature. The most brave cats look for an opportunity to jump on the table and get what they want on their own. This simple observation was the root of the concept the led me to write the script for the film.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 00:04:28 +0000

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