Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. - TopicsExpress


Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. (Proverbs 4:26 NLT) I was brought to this scripture today by my sweet little Gunner. I think ever since I came home from Guatemala I have been dealing with the devil. I had such an empowering time there and I can see that the enemy knows that and has had it out for me. He has been keeping me distracted with things I have no business spending so much time on. So anyways, Ive been having a tough time getting my bible to speak to me and concentrating during today I set out to fast about it and really seek The Lord today. That wasnt feeling right either...I was thinking God, where are you? Im reaching here, but it doesnt seem to be getting through. So with that in mind....Gunners been on me about taking him on an adventure for a few days now, and today was nice and cool so we went for it today. Headed out to explore the Cottonwood Trail at Oahe Downstream. We were discovering fossils and studying bugs and leaves with our magnifying glass when we came upon a fork in the trail...on the left a nice straight and level path and on the right a windier and less level path. I asked Gunner which we should go down and he pointed to the left, and me being my adventurous self opted for the right. Aksel was scared (it was starting to thunder) so I carried him and as we obliviously went along I nearly stepped on a snake....a snake large enough to stretch all the way across the trail. Gunner and I quickly backed up and without fear I tossed a couple sticks at the snake who didnt budge...well he turned out be a rattler who had no intention of moving and scared the bejeebers out of my boys (and once he started to rattle and hiss, he scared me a little too). As we turned around, Gunner said, Mom, we should have taken the straight path, it would have been safer. And I giggled and said, Yes, your right Gunner. All this time I thought He wasnt hearing me. I was jut saying to myself on the way to the Dam, I dont know what Im doing. I was feeling like maybe I was praying wrong, maybe the daily careless sins I commit were disqualifying me from His love. I couldnt have been more wrong. He heard my prayers loud and clear and told me, through Gunner, to just keep following his path, the path He laid out for us in the Bible, and I will have the peace He has for me. And I know that path will lead me through the amazing plan and purpose He has for me as well. When you feel like Hes not listening...jut keep talking. Youll get your answer when your ready for it. :)
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 23:03:39 +0000

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