Mass Reading & Meditation for January 16, 2015 Catholic - TopicsExpress


Mass Reading & Meditation for January 16, 2015 Catholic Meditations Meditation: Hebrews 4:1-5, 11 1st Week in Ordinary time Let us strive to enter into that rest. (Hebrews 4:11) Wait a minute! Aren’t “striving” and “resting” diametrically opposed to each other? How can you strive to be restful? Perhaps we think about how we feel at the end of a busy day. We have been trying hard to do well at our work and be kind to the people around us. Then comes the end of the day, when we sink into bed exhausted, grateful to stop “striving” for a few hours before it starts over all again. Finally, we can rest! But this isn’t the kind of “rest” that the writer of Hebrews has in mind. Notice he says that after working the miracle of creation, God rested on the seventh day. Having made all things “very good,” he is now peacefully guiding the world as its history unfolds (Genesis 1:31). He isn’t idle. He is actively sustaining his creation and intervening in billions of people’s lives, urging them to turn to him. And yet God is also at rest, perfectly content as he goes about his work. This is the kind of “rest” God wants us to experience. He wants us to be at peace with him, at peace with ourselves, and at peace with the people around us. It’s the kind of peace we can experience no matter how many responsibilities, concerns, or chores occupy our minds. But beware. If we drift away from his love and his presence, we risk losing sight of that rest. Anxiety creeps in. Perhaps envy or frustration finds a home, too. We become rest-less. This is where the “striving” comes in. It’s up to us to stay close to the Lord, to try to think as he thinks, to feel as he feels, and to let go of what doesn’t matter to him. This may sound like a lot of work, but it’s not meant to be. When an obstacle surfaces, just toss it aside, and breathe a little prayer. In that short breath, draw near to the Lord. Lean on him, and let him bring you back to his peace. Make it a habit of turning to him during the day, and you’ll find yourself more alert to the attitudes and actions that disturb your peace. You’ll find yourself entering into his rest! “Father, I belong to you. Help me to rely on your strength working in me.” Psalm 78:3-4, 6-8 Mark 2:1-12
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 11:40:10 +0000

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