Max Boyce interview: Im lucky to be alive says the entertainer - TopicsExpress


Max Boyce interview: Im lucky to be alive says the entertainer after quadruple bypass heart surgery. Welsh legend Max Boyce has spoken for the first time about how he feels he’s been given a second chance at life after surviving quadruple bypass heart surgery last month. In an exclusive interview the 70-year-old national icon from Glynneath revealed: How he first began feeling unwell while abroad a year ago; Why he refused to fear the worst when doctors broke the shock news he needed the life-threatening operation; How Glynneath RFC making it to the final of the Glamorgan County Silver Ball Trophy contributed to saving his life; and Why he couldn’t help see the funny side when he discovered he was to be admitted to hospital on Friday the 13th and would be going under the knife of a South African surgeon – on the same day Wales took on the Springboks at Durban’s Kings Park. “Thinking back, I probably started feeling unwell about 12 months ago while on holiday,” said the evergreen entertainer, whose songs such as Hymns And Arias have become synonymous with Welsh rugby over the decades. “But back then it was just a slight ache in my arm, so I didn’t think any more of it. “In fact, I went out on a massive tour not long afterwards.” Nevertheless, a few similar niggling incidents followed suit, forcing the showbiz stalwart to wonder if there might be something wrong. “I’d get breathless running back in from the rain, or I’d be walking through Cardiff with a birthday card and present for my granddaughter and would have to stop and rest. “So Jean, my wife, persuaded me to go and see our local GP – luckily her best friend works at the clinic or else I’d have probably not bothered even then.” But, while nothing untoward was detected, Boyce added that it was his beloved Glynneath RFC reaching the final of the Glamorgan County Silver Ball Trophy which proved a potentially life-saving moment for the I Was There star.“It was during that match against Bridgend that I had my worst attack of all so far,” he said. “I just felt this terrible anxiety and stress come over me, that’s the only way I can really describe it. “It was so bad they had to get a medic to me – JPR Williams and his wife, who are both doctors and were at the game, came over to check me out. “They told me my pulse seemed okay but that I should go for an ECG to see if my heart rhythms were normal. “From there I was referred to see a cardiac specialist at the Spire Hospital in Cardiff and they gave me and angiogram, pumping dye into my blood to see if there was any clogging or narrowing of my arteries taking place. “And, straight away, they could see there was lots wrong and I needed bypass work.” The singer added that, had he not been at that fateful Glynneath match, he might never have discovered the extent of his illness – worse still, he might not be around at all. “Had our boys not got to the final my name had been down to take part, alongside a load of other ex-Welsh internationals like Paul Thorburn, in a wheelchair rugby tournament, talking on a team of paraplegic athletes.“Can you imagine the kind strain that would have placed on my upper body? “That might have done for me altogether given how unwell I actually was.” Once diagnosed, however, Boyce said that he had very little time to panic. “They said there wasn’t any rush and that I wasn’t in any immediate danger, but [they] then added, ‘Or we could do it next Friday’,” he laughed. “That’s when it all became scarily real – but I’m glad it turned out to be so quick, rather than have some sort of sword of Damocles hanging over my head for weeks.” He joked that being admitted on Friday 13th proved a bit of a worry, though. “I told them straight – there’s no way I’m having an operation on that day, so they waited until Saturday the 14th,” said Boyce. “But that still didn’t stop me getting a South African surgeon to carry out the procedure – and on the day Wales took on the Springboks in Durban too. “Honestly, you couldn’t make it up.” But, fortunately for Boyce the only slip-ups in evidence took place at Kings Park – where Wales crashed out 38-16 – and, after nearly 10 hours in theatre, he was admitted to intensive care. “Those were the worst three days of my life so far,” he said. “I had all sorts of pipes and wires coming out of me, an oxygen mask over my face and my chest hurt like hell from where they’d cracked me open at the sternum to get at my heart. “Look at this,” Boyce added, unbuttoning his shirt to reveal a vicious 10in scar running down the length of his breast bone. “And, if you think that’s bad, I’ve got another which goes from my left ankle to my groin where they harvested unneeded veins – don’t ask me why they’re unneeded, they just are apparently – to use in repairing my arteries.”War wounds aside, looking at Boyce you’d never think he was a man whose life had been hanging in the balance just three and a half weeks before. “Mentally, that’s been the toughest part,” he admitted. “For someone who’s never really been ill in his life, it really brought my mortality into sharp focus. “But I knew I had to remain as positive as possible, tell myself I had to keep it together or I’d never pull through it and see my little grandchild again. “It hasn’t been easy though – for example, when the doctors told me I could go home after eight days I was terrified,” he said. “I wanted to stay in hospital, a place where I was surrounded by safe hands because I was still feeling pretty rough at the time. “I was too afraid to go to sleep in case I never woke up again; and it’s been tough for Jean too because, naturally, she’s been very worried about me.” And, with the death of fellow comic Rik Mayall from a heart attack, aged 56, just weeks before still fresh in his mind, Boyce added that he was determined to make the most of each new day. “I feel like I’ve been given and second chance at life,” he said. “My scars are healing quickly and my health seems to be improving all the time – I’ve lost about a stone and have had the thumbs up from both my consultant and my physio, and there’s even talk of me being put on some cardiac-boosting aerobic program soon. “Sadly I had to cancel the sell-out tour that was booked to start in September and I’ve put any professional engagements on the backburner for the foreseeable future. “The other thing I was advised against doing is singing – and when the doctor told me, the bloke in the next bed sat up and yelled, ‘Thank God for that’,” he joked. Boyce also heaped praise on the medical staff who’d looked after him and the well-wishers who’d sent him cards and letters by the bundle. “People have been very generous and it’s made me acutely aware of the importance of friends and family and making the most of what you have. “I feel lucky to still be here and realise just how precious all this is. “There’s an old saying, which may sound corny but happens to be true, it goes: ‘Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery and today is a gift.’ “There’s never been a truer word spoken than that.”
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:00:30 +0000

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