Maya Angelou passed away today at the age of 86. I loved her - TopicsExpress


Maya Angelou passed away today at the age of 86. I loved her writing and wisdom. She said We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated. I want to thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers for our family today. It is a gift we are truly grateful for. I am sorry for the late response, but sometimes when I leave that place, I am in such shock, it takes a while for me to get my head around what just happened in there. There were only 2 motions heard today, 2 were agreed upon so no need to hear it. These two motions were for funding for investigation. 1will be heard later. The first motion was to discuss the constitutionality of the jury instructions. She denied the motion, with reserve for it to be brought up again at a later date. The biggest disappointment came in the motion which asks that the Commonwealth inform us of the predicate felony as required by law for them to charge him as part of a continuing criminal enterprise. These laws, which carry sentencing guidelines of 20- life and 40-life, or death, have certain requirements to be met in order for the charges to be brought against a defendant. Kimberly was brilliant in her argument, reminding the judge of her previous rulings where she ordered the Commonwealth to provide the information necessary for these charges to be made against Justin. Our attorney handed her copies of transcripts, and cited case law from every Circuit court in the country where the law requires this information. She requested that the judge order that they give us this info or drop the charges. The Commonwealth tried to argue that it was nonsensical for them to identify this information, and they could not cite any case law to back up there argument. The judge of course denied the motion. She said there is an open file policy for discovery, so we should be able to get the information. We still do not know what he is accused of in these CCE charges. These charges require a continuing series of events, which they refuse to tell us of these events he is accused of being part of...It is so frustrating!! How can he defend himself if he does not even know when or where he committed these accused crimes?? I find myself questioning so much these days. I watch what this has done, and continues to do to my family, the pain we all suffer due to this injustice we have lived in for the past 13 years. I wonder what more I can do to help get us through this nightmare. I wonder how many more times I can sit in that courtroom and not get thrown out! I wonder how much more we all, especially Justin can take. I find myself feeling lost, angry and bitter and I do not like feeling like that, so I will work on changing my attitude......If you have seen that side of me lately, please forgive me and dont take it personally. I am just trying to cope and some days are easier than others! I am blessed to have the support of so many. I will continue to keep my faith in God, not the system. I will continue to ask for your prayers, and I promise to hold all of you in my prayers as well. You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them ~ Maya Angelou, RIP and thank you for your wisdom.
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 04:02:42 +0000

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