Medicine Shields and Animal Guides Janice Hensley A Medicine - TopicsExpress


Medicine Shields and Animal Guides Janice Hensley A Medicine Shield is a generally round and flat construction of various symbols that provide the user with a religious/meditative focus. Like rattles, drums, fetishes and other ceremonial objects, Medicine Shields serve many purposes. One of the most common uses is to represent a Direction of the Medicine Wheel, emphasizing that specific set of archetypes. The following examples are based on Chippewa and Seneca teachings: North is white, symbolizing purity of thought and wisdom. The power animal here is the White Buffalo. The lessons of the North: connecting with teachings of ancient knowledge; developing patience to attain practical growth and mental balance. Its Element is Earth. East is red, symbolizing enlightenment and enrichment. The power animal here is the Eagle. The lessons of the East: dealing with creative, inspirational and ancient perspectives; philosophical awakenings and causal balance. Its element is Air. South is yellow/green, emphasizing trust and innocence. The power animal here is the Coyote. The lessons of the South: learning to integrate vulnerability and ancient protections; allowing the spark of life to begin all things. This part of the Medicine Wheel indicates astral balance. Its Element is Fire. West is black/blue for introspection. The power animal here is the Grizzly Bear. The lessons of the West: learning to look into ourselves to the sacred dream states and to the essence of Shamanism, allowing ancient journeys; using compassion to attain self-balance. Its Element is Water. The Shield can be a visual affirmation of a way of life, a mirror of the Self, a point of focus for the self and spirit, a reminder of ones philosophy of life, an acknowledgment of spiritual Guides, or a ceremonial object in various rituals. Another use is as a connection with the Animal Guides. Animal Guides provide Man with a natural and easily identifiable God source. Ancient man lived among the animals. Their guidance was vital for survival. As Man became agrarian and finally urban, he lost his connection with other animals and with the Earth itself. Yet, we can still become one with the Earth and its animals. But first we must reach for the ancient self, reach for the powers of our Animal Guides deep within. Looking to your Animal Guides will give you the ability to harness all the qualities of Man, and even qualities which are not of Man. The Animal Guides are only a few of the Wisdom Givers, but they are closest to Man. They care for him in a special way, for Man is one of them. Every Animal Guide has a unique ability to care for and test Man. This caring is as beautiful as the very essence of life. Each Animal develops it in different ways. Each must be willing to satisfy both Man and the gods while being true to its own special gifts and knowledge. The Animal Spirits willingly kill that which harms Man. They have no remorse for such things, even when a part of Man himself. This is the natural process of the animal kingdom. The Animal Spirits have no reluctance, for they approach their tasks joyfully. Rarely does Man approach his changes in this manner. The Animal Guides search out these negative forces and destroy them. As these forces die, Man becomes more complete in himself. To determine their Animal Guides, some meditate, others pursue a quest, some consult seers and psychics and still others use tools such as the pendulum. Any personally compelling means is acceptable. Often people simply know they have a specific Guide. Some have a strong affinity to a particular animal. They may collect statues, pictures, and stuffed toys of a particular animal. This suggests that the animal is also their spiritual Guide. I encourage people to discover and meditate upon their animal Guides. Discover the Guides purposes and lessons. Use Medicine Shields as a key to exploration and understanding. List what you learn on a sheet of paper and date it. Read and reread this list to remind you of your potential helpers, or at least use it as an autobiography. Categorize each of the Animals according to virtues such as: Strengthener, Energizer, Protector, Reminder, Opener, Increaser, Attuner, Quieter, Cleanser, and Healer. Listen to your Animal Guides and learn to integrate their wisdom into your daily life. Create Medicine Shields to help you make this vital connection. By so doing you may uncover many hidden talents and virtues.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 18:09:19 +0000

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