Memoirs of a Warrior Bride for Christ, Orlando FL THURSDAY - TopicsExpress


Memoirs of a Warrior Bride for Christ, Orlando FL THURSDAY 1/15/2015 - DAY 15 OF 21 DAYS DANIEL FAST I PERCEIVE John 20:29 (Complete Jewish Bible) Yeshua said to him, Have you trusted because you have seen me? How blessed are those who do not see, but trust anyway! Perceive means to come to realise of understand. Yes, they say if you can perceive it, you will have it. But anybody can tell you that but, the true proof is in action-are they doing anything to make it happen? The exes who said they saw the 2 of you together the rest of your lives, even calling each other Mr. and Mrs. but somehow never quite bought the ring nor made it to the altar. How about seeing yourself in college but you never quite made it up off the couch to go register or even check it out. Words, words...Deceiving, lying words. They didnt perceive it! But, our God, the Alpha and Omega, our beginning and end, perceived us being reconciled back to Him even before we were born. He put action into it and sent his Word through His messenger Gabriel to tell Mary that the Word was going to impregnate her and bring forth life within her. She gave birth to a man child, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was sacrificed on the cross so that our end was fulfilled. Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. We too believe our God and it will be credited to our righteousness. We will trust him to carry us through. Today, our Lord Jesus has sent His Holy Spirit to open the eyes of our heart and give us sight to perceive. The LORD hast made his dwelling among us and we will go through in the strength of the Lord our God. Our helper, the Holy Spirit, will give us a guiding hand. Our I Am That I Am hast shown us a glimpse into eternity. Today, we perceive the finish line. Today, we perceive our end zone dance on top of the head of the enemy, crushing the head of that serpent and stomping him into the ground. Now, let the heavens ring out with the sound of victory. Let us shout unto God with the voice of triumph and shout unto him with the voice of praise. For our God is King over all the earth. It is He that has carried us and will see us through. Lets open up our mouths and praise Him. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 06:37:16 +0000

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