My son you reap what you sow Two men were each given a plot of - TopicsExpress


My son you reap what you sow Two men were each given a plot of land by their father. The father told them do with your land whatever you like but be wise as this land I give is yours and whatever grows from it will also be yours On day 1 when both men returned to their plot of land a bunch of grapes had grown on each plot. The first man plucked all the grapes, made himself some wine and ate and drank to his Hearts content. The second man picked some grapes and enjoyed there sweet juices and than proceeded to water the plot of land and plant the seeds from the grapes he had eaten. He also praised and worshipped the land and thanked his Heavenly Father for the sweets the land had brought forward. The next day when both the farmers returned there were two large apples trees with lots of ripe apples. The first farmer chopped down the tree with hast and made some apple cider among other apple dishes and built a big bomb fire with the wood from the tree and invited his friends over for a party, they all ate and drank to their hearts content. The second farmer plucked some of the apples from the tree and enjoyed each crispy sweet bite. He then pruned the tree and used some of the wood from the dead branches that fell of the tree to build a small cabin close to the plot of land so that he can be near his plot of land to harvest and care for the land each day. For the next eight days the plots of land continued to produce fruits although it was noted that the second farmers land began to produce better quality fruit with each day that past. Nevertheless the first Farmer continued to aggressively rape the land of its goods taking all and giving nothing in return. While the second Farmer continued to enjoy the fruits of his land and in return adored and cared for it and kept on harvesting and investing in his land. On the eleventh day both farmers returned to the plot. The first farmers plot had no fruit just weeds, brittle bushes and thorns. The soil had turned into dust and rodents serpents and deadly pest resided there. The second Farmers land was a fruitful paradise, the soil was rich and the plot was filled with beautiful exotic fruits and flowers. Healthy strong animals grazed among the vegetation. The land looked like the garden Eden itself. The first farmer returned to his father to complain. He said to his father the plot of land you gave me is no good, it is cold, dark and baron and fruitless and he went on to say that dangerous creatures reside there as such it is unsafe. I am homeless and hungry it is not fair what a horrible horrible plot of land you gave me The father shook his head and accompanied his son the first farmer back to the plots of land, on getting there they saw the second farmer relaxing in an hammock enjoying the fruits of his land. The first farmer cried out to his father see how wonderful my brothers land is while mine is so damed, I demand you give me a new land which is as beautiful and as fruitful as his the father replied what of the land you already have?. The son replied lets give it away or better yet burn it to ashes. The father reluctantly gave the first plot of land away and provided his son with a new plot. Eleven days later the first farmer had called for his father and again his land was cold, dark, baron and fruitless inhabiting dangerous creatures. He went on to demand a new plot of land. His father took him back to the first plot of land previously given to him and to his sons surprise it was a fruitful paradise, the soil was rich and the plot was filled with beautiful exotic fruits and flowers. Healthy strong animals grazed among the vegetation. The land looked of the garden Eden itself. The first Farmer grew angry resentful and confused and demanded a new plot or his old plot back. The father explained to his son the first farmer, that he gifted the plots of Land to him and instead of him to cherish, harvest and invest in the land, he used, destroyed and abandoned the land. Not only did he temporarily destroy the plot of land in return he was left homeless, cold and hungry. The Father said to his son the first farmer the problem is you, my son, you are selfish, lazy and lack better judgement, if you had done right by your land your land would have done right by you and you neednt be hungry, angry and cold....he than said....You can continue to move on to new lands but if you dont change your ways, you will destroy multiple lands and continue to end up with land that is cold, dark, baron and fruitless inhabiting dangerous creatures. My son you reap what you sow Be a Man and keep the land that was given to you and restore it to its fruitfulness, it want be easy given the dangerous creatures in which reside there which you invited by not taking care of the land. You will have to Man up and drive away the creatures and restore the land to is natural beauty The second farmer decided not to take the easy way out and changed his ways and worked diligently on the second plot of land day and night and in due time his plot of land became a fruitful paradise, the soil was rich and the plot was filled with beautiful exotic fruits and flowers. Healthy strong animals grazed among the vegetation. The land looked of the garden Eden itself. And he lived out the rest of his days enjoying the fruit of his labor. The End.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 14:22:58 +0000

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