Memorise: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new - TopicsExpress


Memorise: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Read: 2 Corinthians 5:17-20. The essence of the new birth through the washing of the water and the blood of Jesus Christ is a newness of life and a change in lifestyle. Every genuinely born again child of God has a series of internal and external testimonies to share. Evidently, you will be under close observation by the hosts of heaven and earth immediately you claim you have surrendered all to Christ. God Himself is on a close watch with His angels and they want to see how truly you accept the new faith. Unlike the devil who is a monitoring spirit, God and His angels are guarding and guiding spirits to help you attain spiritual maturity at the set time. The operating manual will change immediately you surrender to Christ and an automatic switch from darkness to light is expected. If the switch is not noticeable over time, then the salvation experience and confession becomes questionable. You may hide your secret sins and iniquity from men and your leaders but you cannot deceive God. He’s aware and He beholds your acts and action every moment of your life. Therefore, confession isn’t enough, you have to graduate to making it real. It should be seen that you have totally switched from whom you used to be to whom God has ordained you to be through the death and resurrection of His beloved Son. Are you truly born again? Do you think God accepts your lifestyle in the new kingdom that you profess you are in? You need a rethink and a check for conformity. If your operations and conduct are not in total sync with His word then you aren’t there yet. It’s expected that you drop off the old man which corrupts through sin. You are expected to be separated from your past and to receive a total change and new directives for a completely godly life. God must see through your heart and men must be able to see it on you that you are now a changed individual. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Beloved, you have been on this other side for a while, can you point to those notable changes in your life? Who are your friends? What are those things that proceed out of your mouth? Have you considered what you watch and where you go? What type of relationships do you keep? Aren’t you still very comfortable with your former lifestyle? You need to check your end and get things balanced. It’s of no use claiming that you are born again when you are actually a stain among His saints. The time isn’t over yet. You can still make all the necessary adjustments and confession that will keep you permanently on this side of light. If you are truly redeemed of the Lord, you will also go a long way to reduce and remove your affiliation with the world. You are either born again or born against. Choose the lifestyle of Christ and avoid the shame that looms on the followers of the devil. Reflections: You can always claim that you are a child of God. No earthly police will ask for your certificate or credentials, but in heaven, you are daily assessed to see if you are in the light of God’s word or whether you sit permanently in the world of sin and iniquity. Don’t be deceived and don’t ever deceive yourself. Eternity is real!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 16:31:17 +0000

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